Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Never to far for God's calling

Ruth 1: 6
"Then she arose with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the Lord had visited His people and given them food." ESV

Never too far for God's calling.

"Now..... I'll get the hot dogs out."  I use the command "Now" sparingly.  It was supposed to be the emergency recall word so my dogs would immediately come to me.  To entice their obedience they receive a piece of hot dog when they come. When the three of them are barking, usually the Now command breaks through the noise.  Often they are slow to respond. Initially they choose barking. The follow up with "hot dogs" usually completes their decision that hot dogs are better than barking.

Naomi and her family had moved to Moab because of the famine in their land.  Moabites did not worship God.  Naomi's family lived in Moab long enough to settle in as part of the community.  Her two sons married local girls.  Unfortunately, Naomi's husband and both sons died leaving the women on their own.

In the midst of a pagan  land, "in the fields of Moab", Naomi heard that God had blessed His people with an end to their famine.  So, after years living in Moab, she decided to head home.  "In fields of Moab" makes me think that God's work was the talk of the town.  His provision of food for His people would have been on the 6 o'clock news (if they'd had news broadcasts in those days).

Ruth 1:6 reminds me that I am never too far away or in the midst of so much of the noisy world, that I can't hear of God's work and choose to go to Him.  Just yesterday at work, as the tense situation concluded, the gentleman shook my hand and said "God bless you."  I was surprised but enjoyed the blessing.

This verse reminds me that God uses the invitation "Come Now" often and His blessings, when I choose to respond, are more enjoyable and enduring than hot dogs.

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