Saturday, November 23, 2019

The word for the day: Deontology

“Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Deontology" I read the definition when I opened the email.  To keep my mind working, I've enrolled in a daily vocabulary development service!

I'd been pondering the sixth verse of Luke for several weeks.  The word Agenda came to my mind.  In search of our own deontology, our rules for moral living, we consider ourselves the master of life's agenda. Yet life experience proves to me, not so!

Zechariah and Elizabeth probably had a list of accomplishments for life.  Parenting was surely on their list.  Chapter 1 of  Luke's gospel  reveals they were childless  until an angel delivered good news in their senior years.  At last,they would check the "Parents" box in the list of life's accomplishments.They would have a son, John.

I live by my "Accomplishment Journal" ( Inexpensive notebooks with primitive lists of reminders, appointments and to dos).  My theory:  I won't forget and have tangible proof I did not spend
retirement in my pajamas watching TV!

Yet it's my decision what goes on the list, whether it's accomplished or re-entered on another day.  I live in a dream world.

My pre-Advent  study course has reminded me that the true agenda maker is God.  Jesus came at the exact right moment in time.  God knew and knows exactly what we need and what we need to do and be. Why do I live the delusion that I can do a better job at life?

Let's resolve to throw aside our personal deontology and follow God's agenda.

G od
E very
N ew
D ay
A nd DO IT!