Thursday, August 27, 2015

Good Gravy!

"No gravy?  You don't know what you're missing."  Grandma said this each and every time she made dinner for us.  She always made pot roast, whipped potatoes with real cream and real butter and cole slaw that was the best ever.  She always made brown gravy but I never ever ate it.  I like to taste my food and never was a gravy eater until............

Dick learned to make Beef Wellington. Since he made it, I had to taste it and it was fabulous, even the gravy!  Now he makes that gravy for any dish and I enjoy it.

I was stubborn when I was young (surprised?) and refused to taste Grandma's gravy. Her pot roast, potatoes and cole slaw were the best ever.  Guess I will never know if her gravy was good enough to convert me to an occasional gravy eater.

I reflected on stubbornness when I read Mark 3:1-6.  Jesus went to a synagogue and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Some of those who were looking to accuse Jesus were there watching.  They wanted to see if He would break the rules and heal on the Sabbath.  "Stand up in front of everyone" Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand.  Then Jesus addressed the accusers.  "Which is lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or kill?"  They remained silent.  Jesus was angry and deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts.  He told the man to stretch out his hand and when he did it was completely restored.

Wow!  Talk about addressing the opposition.  Jesus knew they were waiting to catch Him rule breaking.  He tried to point out to them that they were missing out on God's Good Gifts because they were too stubborn.  When they wouldn't engage in a discussion he gave them a demonstration and healed the man.  He gave this man a fully functioning hand, on the Sabbath  in front of everyone.
The Pharisees were too stubborn to recognize  this as a sign or a wonder or a preview of coming events.  Instead they began to muster forces to kill Jesus.

This display of stubbornness in the face of God's love and giving, makes me wonder when I've been so set in my faith that I can't recognize God's work in my life. I hope I don't choose to be stubborn and miss the signs and wonders that happen in front of me.  Just because something challenges my faith view of life, I need to ask what is God doing; it this good or evil; will this bring life and restoration?

Too often believers think they have never a miracle or maybe only one or two in their lifetime.  But suppose our stubbornness and our definition of miracle is the reason we don't recognize a good thing when it's right in front of us.   I believe God is at work all the time, all around  me.  Therefore, good things are happening because God is Good.  The problem is I am defining good when God invented Good.

God has given me so much more than a palette for good gravy. My mission is to suppress my stubbornness and I will see more of God's Good Works in the world.

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Rule of the Day

"I don't have enough bathrooms!"  My mom woke up to this realization several nights.  She was planning my wedding.  I wanted to get married outdoors in my parents backyard.  She was an excellent planner because she worried about the details.  Yet she did not let the "tail" (of a potential restroom shortage) wag the "dog" (my wedding). 

I remember her telling me about her mid-night revelations. There were other panicked thoughts, but I don't recall her trying to convince me to change the venue for the wedding.  She was also perceptive.  She knew if I was engaged to this man after a couple of weeks that I probably would have married him sooner than 9 months later.  So I must really want that outdoor wedding in her backyard.  So my dad re-landscaped and she problem-solved to give me the wedding of my dreams.

"The tail does not wag the dog" would be my section heading for Mark 2:23-28.  Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees when His disciples picked some grain as they walked through a grain field on the Sabbath. They had a rule that declared this grain picking unlawful on the Sabbath. Jesus answered them with a reminder that when it was necessary David and his companions entered the house of God and ate the bread that only priests were to eat.  He concluded with "the Sabbath was made for man, not the man for the Sabbath.  So the Son of Man is head of even the Sabbath!"  (I added the !)

The Pharisees made the rules the "dog" or the point. Today these verses remind me that the "dog" or the point is my relationship with God, not how I follow the rules of the relationship.  The rules should be the "tail" or the expression of the "dog".

In our spiritual lives we construct "rules" so we will be consistent and comfortable in our worship of God and relationship with God.  Too often we allow the rules to rule rather than let God be the ruler of the rules.  The point (or the "dog") is not how I keep the rules or how well I've followed the rules, but that I glorify God. Times change and I need to be ready to experience God in a new and deeper way.  I can't take God's gifts and try to rule them instead of enjoying them.  Then it becomes about the rules and not the gifts.

Most believers think the rule for time spent with God should happen first thing each day. I've been to many seminars to learn techniques to deepen my relationship with God.  I've gathered many tips.  Yet my observation is to be realistic with my situation and put my relationship with God time in the best possible spot in my day.  Now I'm early to rise and spend some of the first moments of the day (after feeding the dogs and brewing the coffee, I've learned eliminate some distractions and wake up are good ideas for effective learning.)   When my husband was in seminary and I was working fulltime, my study time was during my break at work and doing the dishes was my prayer time, so much so that I often turned down help from guests with the task.  When my child was very young, I spent bath time in prayer (yes, my eyes were open) and nap time studying.

Today I am reminded not to let the "tail"  (the rules of my relationship) wag the "dog" (my relationship with God).  The point is not the rules and how often I accomplish and fulfill the rules but the point is the worship of the Ruler, God.  Jesus is the Ruler of the rules!

My relationship with God ("the dog") should be apparent by my "tail"( the rules) management.  My two dogs express their emotions through their tails.  When I arrive there is a lot of wagging as they are excited. When the tails are straight up they are concentrating.  I want my time with God to be full of excitement and concentration, not just a time to "check a box" and get it done.  I look for new ways to break my own "rules" of relationship so I will be ready and excited to hear and experience God.

I can't let my rules rule rather The Rule (Jesus) rules my rules!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

13 years and counting

August 5, 2002 was a day in my life where worlds collided.  I heard those dreaded words-  the test was positive.  It was The Big "C" as my mom called it, cancer.  My old world of my invincibility collided with my new world of living as a survivor.  It was a whole new world for me.  I have  learned a lot about the importance of living each and every day.  I have learned to use faith in God to manage my fear.

I think Jesus was trying to tell some people that a "new world" was beginning and you can't live with the old rules in the new world.  In Mark 2: 18-22, some people asked Jesus why His disciples were not fasting like John's disciples and the Pharisees.  Jesus' answer was they couldn't fast while the Bridegroom was present.  He followed up with two more illustrations of sewing a new patch of fabric on an old garment and putting new wine in an old wineskin.

I almost understand the fabric reference.  I'm a quilter and it's a cardinal rule, don't mix washed and unwashed fabrics because they won't shrink the same when laundered.  But I have little experience with wineskins and fasting apart from bridegrooms.

I think Jesus is telling them that He has brought them a new world and they can't live by their old rules.  If they try to continue to live the old way in the changed world, they will fail.  The patches will not mend the tears and the wineskins will no longer hold the wine.

Today these verses remind me of The Big Picture.  What Jesus has done in my life today will bring me to a whole new, eternal world.  Why would I try to change His gift of the new world by trying to change it back to the old way of life.

After August 5, 2002, I have learned to trust that no matter the circumstance or challenge I am not alone.  He is with me, always.  More often I stop living the old way and just enjoy the moments as presented. Like breathing deep and smiling at any and all sunsets. Like just touching my granddaughter's hand. Like starting my day enjoying what I want, a few moments with The One who gave me the new day, a cup of coffee and a bit of knitting before I enter the old world.  Like remembering Who is always with me.

On August 5, 2002, God brought my old world of busyness and stress into a collision with His offer of a new world.  I have the choice to live with the worry of what if...  or I can choose to trust His deliverance and love.  He miraculously saved me with a routine mammogram and He'll do it again.  The collision of these two worlds has put perspective in my life.  My mother would ask me in those teenage angst moments, "In the span of eternity, just how important is this?"  Now I understand, focus on the Big   Picture, what really matters, the truly important, the eternal.

My new world presents me with circumstances and challenges.  I have the choice between trusting in the world's answers, which are not eternally satisfying, OR enjoying the party with the Bridegroom.  More often these days, I choose "Party On".

Enjoy today, just today.  Deal with tomorrow when it's tomorrow.  Thanks be to God for His Indescribable gifts!