Friday, June 26, 2020

I, Jesus

"...I came so they may have Life and have it abundantly."  John 10:10b

I, Jesus...

"If I'm wrong and you're right what have I lost?  But if I'm right and you're wrong... You've lost everything."  His statement pierced my heart and mind. My confidence  in my self-formed "what happens at the end of life" was shaken.

I never want to miss anything. Too my friends' humor, I often sleep in the living area during the girl retreats.  I'm early to bed, early to rise.  So to prevent missing any late night shenanigans, I'll sleep on a couch with the late night types leaving the instructions to wake me for the really fun stuff.

When my new husband shared his experience with Jesus and the gift of eternal life, I confidently responded with my view that we end up in the ground, period. His Spirit-led response to my retort shattered the philosophy to which I depended. I really do not  want to miss something so eternal.

Eternal life?  What was that about?  Where is it?  How about me?  I may want that.  The pondering began.  Questions had answers. As dominoes fall, my almost agnostic world crumbled.

My abundant life was on the horizon. I saw real hope.  I yearned for a real future better than I could imagine.

One evening, shortly thereafter, we were watching TV at our friends' home.  Suddenly my husband jumped from the floor, switched off the TV and announced we were going home.(He claims we were playing the game of Life, but I don't recall.)

The house with aqua carpet

Upon arrival at home, he took my hand and led me to the floor with the horrible aqua carpet.  He laid it out for me.  Who, What, How. I knew the Why.....I didn't want to miss anything! Next thing I remember clearly was asking Jesus for forgiveness of my sins and pledging to follow His way.

My abundant life began.  Today it continues.  Sometimes I miss the fullness due to my stubborn selfishness.  The goal of this blog series is to deepen my gratitude and understanding of the enormous gift Jesus gave and gives.

How did your journey with Jesus begin?  Remembering the foundation or finding of yesterday will inspire joy and enthusiasm today. 

If you haven't made the choice to receive this incredible gift, do it today!  You don't want to miss anything either!

Jesus and I. 

It  begins with Jesus. 

It continues with Jesus. 

Think  I'll linger a bit longer considering Jesus.  More next time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Ready for a New Quest

I've started rationing.  Not butter.  Not toilet paper. Nor the elusive rubbing alcohol.  I ration a product I'll call the magic cereal!

I have a regularly scheduled "hang-out" with a five year old who thrives on magic cereal.  Actually my observation is she just eats the marshmallow like shapes.  Yet yesterday the standard operating procedure of proving any adult opinion wrong kicked in.  She ate the cereal twice! 

After a couple days at Gammy's house,  Gammy made an evaluation of the cereal's nutritional value, and her budget, and put a limit on the amount of cereal consumed in a day. Granted  the designated ration is still within the over indulgent grandmother standard.  I do have an image to maintain.

Observing a full bowl of magic cereal prior to her consumption gave me a flashback memory.  A period of teenage angst when I blurted out "If this is all life is, it's not worth it!"  Fortunately, I unloaded this dark matter on my mother who gave me a cooling off period and then soothingly gave an alternate view of life.

For the past several years, I've pondered my past life.  There's more in the rear view mirror than I'd like to admit.  The fragment of a verse which has nudged me through my adult years is John 10:10b.  "I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly." (NASB)  or the version I re-read today in Living Bible "My purpose is to give life in all its fullness."

This fraction of a verse has rattled through my thinking often as I have traveled the more mature season of life.  I have concluded  Jesus has given me and is giving me a full life.  I'm amazed at what my life is at this point and I'm satisfied.  It's been good, really good.  A far cry from the darkness of a teenage girl in the 1960s and 1970s.

My next blog quest will be exploration of the abundant life, life in all its fullness.  What does it look life? Do I have it?  If so how did I get it?  Can I share any advice with others? I am fairly well traveled with minor scarring.

A couple weeks ago we drove through a new favorite frozen dessert restaurant.   Unfortunately when we arrived home and opened the bag, our order was not complete.  One carton was absent.  One was the wrong flavor.  Rather than drive the 20 minutes back, I called, hoping for a simple refund.  The friendly manager on duty offered to rectify the error if we returned.  I explained the length of the drive and she offered to mail me a coupon.  I was satisfied with the offer of a coupon for the missing carton.

Two days later abundance arrived in an envelope!  We received the apology letter enclosing the promised coupon.  I expected the coupon to grant us one carton of frozen enjoyment.  I hoped it would cover two cartons, as the original purchase included an error in the flavor.  To our delight the coupon was for 8, yes that is correct four times my wish!  We've told everyone this story.  The friendly manager surely secured lifelong customers in us.

So, does God ration?  Jesus promised His disciples and me, and you, life to the fullest. 

I'm going to explore this topic for a while.  Join my quest, I'm expecting life to include lots of those memorable marshmallow moments along with character building nutrition.  This journey may include the darkness the "world" so desperately wants me to embrace.  I've lived long enough to smell that trick and realize the temporal nature.  What the world offers is short lived and ultimately empty.  God has given me, is giving me and will give me a full life.  I just know it.

Malachi 3:10 warns and promises.  God's blessing will be so great I won't have room! Our mini-sized freezer had difficulty holding the bounty of frozen delight!  Good thing I'm a collector of baskets. I'll surely be able to store up the flood of blessings.  Or will I?  Perhaps there will be sharing...............

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Sixes Advice for "W.I.L.D. Life"

The Sixes Advice for "Wild Life"

Another confession.  I am distracted by my gray current state of life.  Circumstances, within and beyond my control, influence  my delay  to conclude my blog series, "The Sixes Gone Wild!"

Months ago I challenged myself to blog using the 6th verse of each book of the Bible as inspiration.  66 verses should have taken me a matter of weeks. Like the Israelites in Exodus, I've turned a journey of a few weeks into years.   When I  finish I'll reward myself with the "atta girl" that fuels my day--checking the box on my daily list!

“and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.”

Revelation 1:6 NIV


How can I dwell in this magnificent kingdom?  Reviewing the previous 65 posts over a period of years, convinces me of the lesson to be learned.  I am pursuing a normal human quest for belonging.  Revelation 1: 6 declares that I am a member of His kingdom.  The mission of said Kingdom proclaims God's glory and power.


I think I need a plan  for  the journey of belonging to such a Kingdom.  My plan is confused by my basic human insecurity and my insufficient confidence.  It's complicated.


God gave me a place in His kingdom through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.  Seems too simple to be true!  I am included by God's grace.  Perhaps my goal for life should be to claim membership and recognize this amazing gift! I am loved by God and belong in His kingdom.


The undercurrent themes of my 65 observations are:

à        pay attention to the lead of the Holy Spirit,

à        make the focus of my life Jesus and

à        confidently rest in the unfailing love of God.

Pay attention to the Holy Spirit in this world? Can I get five minutes of peace and quiet in this noisy world?

Focus on Jesus. Really?  Seen my "to do" list?  Seen my "want to do" list? 

Confidently rest of the love of God?  Seen the world news lately?

Blame is assigned to circumstances in life both crazy and wild, the dark and gray times.  Yet as my calendar pages flip from day to day, those wild sixth verses compel me to the journey of life with exciting, red times of loving and following Jesus.

As  the preceding 65 verses have reminded, I must love and follow Jesus in the midst of this wild life.  Too often  I stagnate in the gray. Excusing my less than admirable lifestyle, I  resolve, "when life calms, I'll obey."  My life has been long enough to learn:  there's always something.... (Stand by)

I'm on "Grandma duty" today.  Since beginning this page,  I've done  my first watercolor of the day, discussed the quality of bubble blowing material and future fashion choices.  I've written a check and sent the hubby and sidekick to the mailbox.  Calmed the dog pack with treats and now I return to ponder spiritual matters with just two televisions playing in the background....(Pause)

OK I'm back now.... momentary distraction... the budding artist is exploring color theory with purple and magenta.  I just heard "done."  Better to check on where she heads next....(Hold please.)

No worries, a moment to express her affection to  one of the black pack.  Said dog is now barking at me demanding something.  My pondering is on hold.....(I'll be back.)

I felt the need to eavesdrop on Papi's lesson on the remote control.  Not sure why, he has lots more experience with the remote than I.  Served a bit of breakfast and back to pondering...

What might this recap of the past hour reveal?  After a session of bubble blowing, my attention is drawn to my latest water color.  I can't resist her invitation:  "Gammy, paint with me."  So I experiment with a few colors.

Perhaps this artistic expression reveals advice for my spiritual journey.  Don't  dwell in the dark times.  Push through the  gray.  Rejoice in the joyful red time--bubbles, color, love and Jesus--to the full.

You may think your life is wild with your plan but I have had glimpses of a W.I.L.D. life from the sixth verses of the 66 books of the Bible.

W hile


L ive Life

D iscover God has the Best for me,  and you.

God asks me to enjoy Him in a joyful red life.  He is with me through the dark and gray.  He never leaves me alone.  I  allow the noise of life to create murkiness.  A W.I.L.D. life is available.   Explore the many colored gift of life with God.

P.S.  I intentionally wrote my first draft in the noisy part of my day.  I've edited, several times, in the quiet of the early morning.  Glad I did!