Monday, September 18, 2017

Live the 3G Way

"...Make Your way before me." Psalm 5:8

"Beam me up!"  This escape clause was often used by the hero in the TV and movie series.  Instantly he  would evaporate from one location to reappear in the safety of the "mother ship." Many times in my Christian life,  I've wanted to escape danger by immediate removal;  I've felt the mission accomplished and ready to return home.  I ponder,  why I am in still on earth.  As much as I'd like this declaration, "Beam me up!",  to be a metaphor for my relationship with God, it's really  the opposite.

Instead of the ability to escape life,  Psalm 5 reminds me how to live while I still roam this Earth.  I am learning to living the 3G Way.

Psalm 5 reveals the intimate relationship between David and God.  David acknowledges that God listens to his requests.  God is faithful. David waits in anticipation.  He knows God cannot be defeated.  He knows God's enemies are liars.  David knows to take refuge in God's protection.

Each morning I wake to live in a world that tells me how to live:  To follow the popular thinkers of the day, to get ahead of everyone I can, to accumulate and to satisfy my desires any way I choose.

David's view of God, faithful, true, undefeatable and safe,  reminds me how to approach this day in my life.  "...Make  straight your way before me."  (Verse 8)  I circle the words "Your...before me".  Perhaps that is my guidance for the day.

I count the word "my" (because it refers to David) in Psalm 5 - 7 times.

Then I count "You and Your" (because they refer to God or O Lord, as David addresses Him) -17 times. 

If I use the basis of sheer numbers, this Psalm gives me guidance for living on Earth: Your ...before me.  Psalm 5 is a glimpse into the heart of David and how he reacts to God:  His before his;  God before David;  The Lord before me.  The absolute opposite principle to the worldly teaching.

What if I followed the principle of "His way before my way" for my daily life?

The book I am currently reading reminds me that I have a singular purpose as a follower of Jesus:  to bring God, and God alone, glory by participating in His mission.  I am not in charge of His mission.  He is. I don't have to develop His mission.  He has The Plan and He has had The Plan since the beginning of time!  I have the opportunity to daily live for His mission. 

Here's an idea for a new bracelet to assist me when I make the myriad of choices in my daily  life: 


W hat
W ould
G ive
G od
G lory?

Sounds like a plan!  Today I choose to live the 3G Way.  Whew!  Decisions made for the day!

In my subconscious I have my doubts.  I'm human and prone to failure.  That worldly teaching is so tempting.  It's quick and immediate gratification.  Yet God's way is lasting and is eternal gratification.  

Thank you O Lord,  You knows  me so well and You love me in spite of my failure.  You even rescued me and will continue  to rescue me just because You loves me. 

Now that is something to Give God Glory!  Hopefully today others will see God's Glory, not my glory.  It's why I haven't been beamed up yet!