Saturday, December 28, 2019

Don't put God in your Box

“Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?””
‭‭Acts‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Young Pastor who likes fried chicken!

"I finished my spaghetti, can I have fried chicken now?"  The young pastor was included in a small group dinner.  The hostess was known for her tasty fried chicken.  Yet she'd served only  the young pastor leftover spaghetti.  (He recognized it as leftover from the prior week's all church dinner.)

He was puzzled, not surprised as his wife had foreknowledge of his special menu.  The well meaning hostess had earlier explained that we would NEVER serve a pastor chicken.The pastor's wife had assured her this pastor loved fried chicken.  She shook her head in the negative and declared he would be served meatloaf.  The pastor's wife had to tell her that he was not fond of meat loaf and fried chicken would be fine. The hostess assured the pastor's wife she'd come up with something else.

After the young pastor finished his piece of fried chicken, because he persisted until someone passed him the platter he asked why he wasn't serve chicken  Her reply:  "Pastor Otto said never serve   a pastor chicken."

Pastor Otto was beloved by this church.  He'd served the church twice, once when he was young and then later when the church needed his loving touch the most.  So our hostess completely trusted the voice of Pastor Otto.

Another longtime church member enjoying fried chicken for dinner knew Pastor Otto and why he made such a declaration against chicken.  Pastor Otto grew up on a farm.  His job on the farm was to kill the chickens for dinner.  Thus, chicken was not his favorite dinner.

Somehow, our gracious, fried chicken expert hostess had translated his personal dislike into a strict proclamation for all members of the clergy.  Perhaps she thought pastors were like politicians and were served too much "rubber chicken!"

I thought about our hostess and her adamant belief in menu choices for the clergy. We might think less of her false assumptions, yet far too often, we do likewise.

I make assumptions about who God is and what He can or will do.  My information is filtered through my faulty and selective memory.

The sixth verse of Acts reminds me, even when I've spent time with Jesus, I miss the point.  The people closest to Jesus,, who had lived with Him through His ministry, death and now witnessed His resurrection, still expected Jesus to be the King of their expectation.

Why do I expect God to follow my life plan?  In hindsight His plan has always been better.  Why do I think God is anything like some earthly authority?  No earthly authority is without inconsistency yet God is constant.

I am challenged to ignore my life plan expectations and  await Jesus' best for my life in the coming "Roaring 20s"  (that's the next decade which begins Jan. 1, 2020-I saw that in the restaurant last night!)  I'm not going to limit God with my limited expectation. Let's have a Happy New Year  and eat fried chicken!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

I am and have the mission

I parked the car,
stood outside the car,
took a breath and
strode for the door

When the owner welcomed me with "Can I help you?"  I gave her my name and my mission.  She was as surprised as I with the mission announcement:  "I'm Jan, new to town, a quilter and I Need Friends!" (I was as desperate as this sounds!)

“There was a man sent from God whose name was John.”
‭‭John‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A Name and a Mission. The sixth verse of the gospel of John reminds me of the importance of names and mission.   Each of us have a name or names  by which those around us know and address us. Some names are given.  Some are chosen.  Sometimes our names change.  Names create a uniqueness or individuality, in spite of the numerous  Jans I attended grade school with.

This verse tells us the man's name, John, a common name in our world today, and the source of his mission, sent by God.  Verse 7 expands on John's mission, to testify to the Light, Jesus, that was coming.

It is no coincidence that  I returned to my blog project today, the day we customarily celebrate Jesus' earthly arrival to complete His mission, to save me, you and billions of others from the result of sin.

Last night's soloist of "O Holy Night" reminded me that " His Name all oppression shall cease..."  His Name, Jesus, has power, authority and transformation.  My mind pondered other names of Jesus which serve as mission announcements.

Emmanuel- which means God with us.  I am NEVER alone.  God is with me ,every moment,  in my crazy life.

Deliverer- God has gotten me out of more than a few situations created by my own ignorance, carelessness and plain poor judgment!

Rock - In my ever-changing life, I know that  God is the same yesterday,today and tomorrow.

Shepherd-  Jesus is the Good Shepherd who will leave the flock of 99 obedient to rescue the one who strays.

Light of the world-  The world is strange and scary. Jesus gives me the "light at the end of the tunnel", the Hope to carry on another day.

What names do you know Jesus by? Your favorite names may differ but His mission remains the same- your salvation.  Rejoice - the ultimate Christmas gift!

I desperately need a Savior. On my own my life would be a "hot" mess.

Celebrate Christmas, His Name and His Mission.

Merriest Christmas to you all!