Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Out of the Furnace

God really does know our hearts and minds.  In Deuteronomy 4:15-20, He is very specific about what not to make into an idol.  We really are children.  He knows we will "split hairs" on the rules.  God tells the Israelites not to become corrupt by making an idol of a man, woman, animal, bird, creature, fish, sky, sun, moon or stars.  He reminds them not to be enticed to worship what He has given but to worship the One who gave them. 

In today's world we could find things to worship that are not included in the Deuteronomy list.  I have had enough health challenges in my life to choose certain forms of treatment, disciplines or plans.  Yet nothing, in the human made world, works 100% of the time on 100% of the people.  It's still practice.  There are many conditions that medicine can offer very high percentages of success but I've not had an absolute guarantee from medicine.

The only absolute guarantee I have had is the one God gives.  It will be OK because He is in control and He Loves me.  Thus, it will be OK.  Someday there will be a book about OK!

Through my life's challenges I have learned to follow the same steps that God outlines for the Israelites. It is quite a challenge in this tangible world to not choose the logical plans of the world, even while you may be following that plan.

In my health challenges, I almost always chose to follow the treatment options my doctor recommended.  I follow them because the doctors have experience and knowledge.  Yet I don't worship them or the treatments.  They make my quality of life better but I don't credit them with the gift of Life.

My husband and I have adopted a system for handling the challenges of life.  I'm not sure we've ever penned our plan.  Somehow we came up with it and it has worked in the past.  We have an unspoken agreement to be the accountability partner for whoever is in the "furnace" to reinforce the steps.  I saw our plan for dealing with life's furnaces in the verses of Deuteronomy this morning.

 Step One:  Remember when you believed without seeing. First, remember a time when you were sure of God and that He spoke and delivered.  The Israelites knew God spoke at Horeb out of the fire even though they couldn't see a form.

Step Two:  Don't choose to worship earthly answers, choose God.  We make the choice on worship.  We decide to follow idols, disciplines, plans and lifestyles.  They may be beneficial and helpful but are they the real answer to our problem?

 Step Three:  The furnace is temporary.  God reminded the Israelites that it was He that brought them out of the "iron-smelting furnace".  God describes Egypt as a furnace.  Apparently an iron furnace was really big and really hot.  Their time in Egypt was harsh and oppressive. 

God delivered them from the really awful Egypt and He will do it again.  God had a plan for the Israelites.  They had an inheritance to claim, the Promised Land.

I have had times living in a "furnace" but God is greater than the biggest "furnace" I will or have experienced.  God has a plan for me.  God has an inheritance for me, Eternity with Him.

So, the next time life lights a "furnace", I will:

Go back and remember the times I was sure of God;

Decide again to trust Him in, through and out of the furnace; and

Focus on the eternal, not  the temporary furnace.  God has Eternity in my future.

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