Thursday, January 10, 2019

Trust God With Your Life Path

Psalm 1:6
"For the Lord watches over all the plans and paths of godly men, but the paths of the godless lead to doom."  The Living Bible

"Arrived!" announced the Irish man voice.  We looked and knew we had  a problem.  Our destination was a church and what appeared on our right was an apartment complex.  No church in sight.

My husband and I were on an adventure in Southern Indiana using a phone app as our navigator.  The 7 hour trip had gone well except 30 minutes from our destination two voices gave us conflicting instructions.  The Irish man's voice had led us for six and one half hours but now was joined by the well known woman voice. The two voices had happened before but never had the two voices given opposing directions.
We had a fifty-fifty chance that we would choose the correct voice.  Unfortunately we chose the wrong voice and ended up on the wrong side of town!

Today's verse reminds me that every day I have two voices giving me direction. The world has a direction for me.  God has  The  Direction for me. How can I have better "odds" to choose correctly?
The preceding verses (Psalm1:1-5) give me advice.

·         Don't hang around sinners and scoffers.  Pay attention to the results of those offering worldly wisdom.  How does their life path look?

·         Meditate on what God wants me to do.  It is as  simple as asking, unlike the phone app, life's journey can be interactive.  We just need to ask the Right One!

·         Think about ways to follow Him more closely.  Think of the future path.  Does it lead to the best destination, a closer relationship with God?

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