Monday, January 21, 2019

The Simpler Straighter and Wiser Choice

Ecclesiastes 1: 6
" The wind blows south and north, here and there, twisting back and forth, getting nowhere!"  The Living Bible

"Rotation, Rotation!"  I heard my co-worker calling but didn't quite comprehend.  I turned and saw two co-workers beckoning me to come.  I couldn't see it, because of the trees, but a tornado was headed straight for us.  It was only a handful of minutes away.

In the aftermath of the devastating tornado I joined a local Facebook group designed to assist those in need.  When I saw this photo I knew there was a message for me.  When I read Ecclesiastes 1:6, I found its message for my life.

Ecclesiastes has long been a favorite of mine.  The preacher, quester, teacher of the book relates his tale of pursuing life's meaning in the world's way.  The author tried to find meaning for life in a lot of party, work projects, accumulating possessions, and culture just to name a few. (These sound much like modern pursuits of life's meaning.)

He begins the book with his evaluation of his pursuit- worthless, meaningless, a wisp of smoke, chasing the wind.  In my mind, the wrapped tree photograph is a visual presentation of our efforts to chase meaning in life, the world's way.

The conclusion of Ecclesiastes sets me straight.  "... Fear God.  Do what He tells you.  Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether good or evil" Chapter 12: 13-14  The Message.

My co-worker's call saved me that day from driving straight into the path of an oncoming tornado.  Ecclesiastes 1:6 calls me to straighten my life path, to choose the simple way, to do what God says.  His way may seem narrow but the final destination, as well as the journey, makes it the simpler, straighter and wiser choice.

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