Monday, March 3, 2014

Among us

"Mark this day down!"  We giggled yesterday when I left a fabric store empty handed.  It does not happen often.  Some might think I'm obsessed with fabric and yarn.  Not really.  I do have some restraint.  I do try to keep "my wits" in a tempting situation.

I did think of a couple examples of letting something innocent control  me.  They really are innocent and were easily a part of my everyday life. Too soon they consumed every moment of my time and thought.  So you will stop wondering, one of these obsessive items was the first Gulf war.  I spent all of my time in front of the TV.  I planned my day around the televised military news briefings.  I left the TV on in the bedroom all night.  If I tried I could probably hum the "theme song" the TV networks used for updates.  As I reflect, I was not fearful.  I didn't personally know someone deployed.  I was just so interested and fascinated.  It started in my mind as information for prayer but later I realized it controlled my thoughts, my time and my daily life.  I knitted a complete sweater in a handful of days during the time in front of the TV. I call it my Gulf War sweater.

Deuteronomy 13 warns that temptation comes from among us.  "Among you" is used in this chapter four times in the translation I read.  These words stuck in my mind. 

We are warned that we can be swayed by flash, friends, family and fellowship.  The Israelites were warned that even if the doer of a sign or wonder that works tempts them away from God, Don't follow. Even if your close friend or family member suggests a new way to worship, don't follow.  If a whole community follows another god, don't follow.  In fact, the Israelites are told to keep away and destroy it.

I can recognize the blatant heresy and it's easy not to follow, to stay away and if appropriate destroy it.  This chapter reminds me of the subtle, more emotional temptations.  There are so many "aids" to make my life better in our world that it takes wisdom and strength not to follow after every life strategy presented.  Often, these aids come with proven success stories or from close family and friends.  Perhaps whole communities or  groups have had success and we think there must be right in numbers and success.

I am reminded that every day I will have opportunities to spend my time, my money, my energy, my thoughts.  There will be opportunities to follow God but the more tempting and too often more attractive opportunities will be those that keep me from following God and developing my relationship with God.

Since I have noticed these incidents in my past, I think ahead.  Yesterday, I didn't buy fabric because I knew it would have to go home in the little suitcase that I have to carry.   I thought about the consequence of my action.  I concluded there was nothing I had to have yesterday.

I have sought a schedule.  I spend time with God almost first thing each morning.  I usually get a few distractive items out of the way-making coffee, getting puppies out and settled, perhaps a load of laundry and sometimes brush my teeth.   If it will tug on my mind and only take a minute, first thing, I do it, so I can focus my mind on the scriptures and what God will say to me today. 


I have found when I spend time with God First, then I am not so tempted by flash, friends, family and fellowship.  My daily study time equips me to recognize the subtle temptation and wrong teaching.

My daily study time is the rudder of my day. I have found that skipping does not make the day go better.  It does not save me time and energy.  Spending the five minutes or so, organizes my day and I find I  have more time when I take this time.

This chapter tells me that to love God with all my heart and soul (because I really want to love God)

I must choose God first over other gods;

I must choose God's way over other ways (even though someone close has a better way);

I must choose God's ministry (even though my selfish desire looks more important); and

I  must choose God's future (even when I know I'm a good planner).

To love God with all my heart and soul, I will follow Him and keep Him First; I will obey God's commands; I will serve God; and I will hold fast to God even when tempted by something seemingly innocent and  "among us".

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