Thursday, September 26, 2013


From the shower, I can hear the whimpering and the howling.  Mickey and Molly are gated into the kitchen while I get dressed.  This is not what they want.  They want to be with me, at all times.  Yet they are easily distracted.  A shoe, an open door, the wastebasket and they are off.  If I leave the room, I'll hear whimpering.  They want me with them while they chew on each other in my lap. I get their attention when I remove them from my lap or my presence.

I'd like to think it's because of my natural born "pack leader presence" that causes this devotion.  Yet I think it's as simple as a daily constant relationship between the puppies and me.  I provide for them and thus they want to be with me.

In Deuteronomy 1:29-33, Moses is reminding the Israelites that they do not trust the God who has gone before them, fought for them and before them, carried them, stayed with them, led them and was visible to them. I think Moses was telling them:  to gain courage for today's challenge, remember what God has done in the past.

My question for the day:  Why are we so quick to forget what God has done in the past?  It doesn't take much adversity or just plain busyness for us to forget the work of God in our past.

Basically, we ignore God on a daily basis.  We choose to be self-absorbed and compartmentalize our life into spiritual and secular. We spent a few minutes in prayer and Bible reading and check daily devotion box. The puppies know the command "come" but if there is a leaf to chase, a hosta to be eaten or an open door to explore, they choose to ignore me.

Life is God's Gift.  How can any part be unspiritual?  How can God not be a part of any part of my life?

We think we own our life but we don't.  We fill our life with so much stuff we can 't see, hear or feel God with us.  We miss His activity, not because He is not active but because we don't pay attention. We choose to ignore His invitation to Come to Him, daily, hourly, every minute of our life.

Everyday... remember, accurately,  what God has done.

Everyday...observe what God is doing. God with what He will do.


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