Sunday, May 15, 2016

Today I Choose Not RICH

"The next time I see you, you will be  one."  The gracious and wise elderly woman had leaned back into the car to leave us with this promise.  Dick and I had spent the day with her during our engagement.   She was right, even though we broke a few "rules" but that's a story for another blog. This week we will have been married for 41 years  and becoming more alike than ever.  The becoming one is both instantaneous and a process!

When I started reading Chapter 10 in the Gospel of Mark, I remembered her proclamation after considering Jesus' response to the disciples' query.  The Pharisees had shown up at Jesus' teaching session to test Him with His position on divorce.  Jesus included in His response that the two married individuals are no longer two but one.

The Pharisees remind me of our world today.  Too often our faith is confused by controversial or complicated situations.  We become distracted and afraid (because some of our controversies today are very scary).  We have a thirst for being on the Right Side.  We think the rules and  laws will protect us. I continued reading in Chapter 10 to get some guidance on how to surf the world's controversies.

When people brought little children to Jesus, the disciples rebuked them.  Apparently these people had violated some arbitrary rule.  Jesus rebuked His disciples and proclaimed, "Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  He explains that we each must have faith just like these little ones.  He even took them in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them (My favorite part).

Then a man approached Him and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life.  Jesus reminded the man that the law had listed the don'ts.  The commandments were plain.  Don't murder, commit adultery, steal, give false testimony, defraud or dishonor parents.  The man responded that he had kept these rules since he was a boy.

Jesus looked at the man and loved him.  (My favorite part.)  "One thing you lack, Go, sell everything, give it to the poor and you will have treasure in Heaven.  Come.   Follow Me."

The man was devastated and went away because He had great wealth.

Jesus commented that it is hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God.  It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. The disciples asked then who can be saved.  Jesus reminded them that what is impossible for men is totally possible with God.  "Many who are first will be last and the last first."

These verses give me another definition of rich because these verses present our obstacles to completely following God.  Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees and the rich man what the Law states and then He offered them the better way, The ONE Way.

We have such a thirst for a structured world that we create rules and laws to demonstrate  our worth.  These verses made me ponder RICH-
R eally
I nto
C reating the world for
H erself/Himself

The RICH life is challenged by changing circumstances and complicated controversies that we have to make new rules and take new stances.  My rules will only offer me limited protection.

Yet Jesus offers the simple life centered on ONE - one way, His way, following Him. His Way will give me the most assurance of worth and protection.  It's not about being right but following The Right One.
O nly
N eed
E lohim- The One and Only God to follow

The end result of the RICH life is accumulation of the temporary.  The end result of the ONE life is everlasting life in the eternal Kingdom with God. Becoming one with God's Way is both instantaneous and a process.

So today I'm going to live simple and come to Jesus, like those little ones brought to Him. He'll take me in His arms, put His Hand on me and give me His blessing.  He will protect me an give me worth. What else can be more important?

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