Thursday, August 1, 2013

Old and New

 I needed my old friend. I had an idea for another blog post but I could not remember the site of the chapter and verse in the Bible I wanted. 

I think I am rather high tech for a woman of my "experience"  I have the electronic app for the Bible on my phone.  One of my "favorites" on my computer is a Bible concordance search site.  At my fingertips I can read and reflect on the Word.

Yet, when I need a verse, I want my old, reliable Bible of over thirty years.  The one with the faded cross stitched cover and the Book of Revelation half eaten by a dog.  Yes, the dog "feasted" on the Word!

In my mind, I see the words on the pages of that particular Bible.  I am secure knowing that with the familiar, I will find what I am looking for.

So I need the new and the old.  Just like God.  God is the same as He was yesterday.  I can remember all the times He was faithful and dependable.

At the very same time, God is also new.  Nearly every day I am surprised by His gentle interaction with my daily activities.  If I just pay attention, I will see God guiding me and protecting me.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Hebrews 13:8 (I used the online concordance to look it up.)

This verse reminded me of the old and new in my relationship with God.  This verse is tucked in a list of advice for living: love one another, be hospitable, remember the less fortunate, honor marriage, don't be greedy, remember the leaders, Jesus is the same and don't get carried away by strange teachings.

In the midst of my everyday living I enjoy the past experience with God and enjoy the new that is in store for me each day!  This is three dimensional thinking- God in my past, God in my today and God in my future, simultaneously!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! God of my past gives me comfort for prayers answered. God of my today gives me strength to accomplish all. God of my future gives me Hope/excitement for my future/his plan:)
