Sunday, December 30, 2018

Be A Part of God's Work

Ezra 1:6

"And all the Jewish exiles who chose to remain in Persia gave whatever assistance they could, as well as gifts for the Temple."  The Living Bible

The Lord used King Cyrus of Persia, in the first year of his reign, to fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy to return the Israelites living in exile to Jerusalem and The Temple. He gave the opportunity of resettlement to the Israelites.  Any who choose to remain in his kingdom were given the opportunity to give goods and finance to support the rebuilding of the city and temple. The first chapter of Ezra reminds me that I have the God-given opportunity to participate in God's work.

First, recognize what God is doing.  We had a small "windfall" in our finances.  We could spend it on our current needs ten times over.  Dick felt God was calling us to give it away.  We'd discussed several options.  Then we ventured to a new community and knew exactly God's plan for our windfall.

Acknowledge our responsibility.  Cyrus acknowledged it was God who gave him the vast empire and thereafter had a responsibility.   It may not be a financial gift.  Sometimes those gifts are the easy gifts.  Recently I've had the opportunity to give from my daily life so others would find God's work in their own community. Many are puzzled by our lifestyle but it's what God has asked from us and fortunately we have seen the "fruits".

Do it.  Don't wait, ponder or consider.  When you know it's God calling do it!  I don't like to live with regret.  So when I know it's God calling, I've learned I'll be more comfortable and satisfied later in life if I've given when the opportunity is presented.   The day at the new community we couldn't wait to get in the car to discuss the destination of "the windfall."  We issued checks later that day!

Share the opportunity with others so they can participate in God's work.  This is my fourth step for a selfish reason.  Too often, I think: "here's a need. If I get enough others to give, then I won't have to make the sacrifice."  Like I said, I don't like regret.  I make sure I've fulfilled my commitment to the need before I share it with others.  This principle keeps my "head straight."

Keep a record to rejoice later.  This is my reward.  I enjoyed perusing my  photos.  These may not mean anything to you but each photo brings me satisfaction, sense of belonging and joy.


What might God be calling you to do today? Respond and Enjoy!

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