Friday, December 28, 2018

Give God Glory for the Milestones

2 Chronicles 1:6- "...Solomon sacrificed 1000 burnt offerings to the Lord."

"I'm glad to be here!"  For the past 16 years this is my answer  to the query "What are you grateful for?"  It was my answer this year in Round 1 of the Grateful questions.  My four year granddaughter liked the pre-Thanksgiving dinner activity that we did it five times!  It was refreshing to be challenged to come up with not just one grateful thought but five, and you couldn't repeat according to the four year old's rules.

My answer is well used.  I'm a cancer survivor so especially at holidays and anniversaries, I'm really glad to still be here!  I commemorate each year with a photo showing the number of years.  The year I needed a third hand to show the years, my friends from high school gathered in the Lake of the Ozarks with matching Tshirts, memories and my first pedicure! This year I was in Montpelier, Idaho and Paris, Utah on a family outing. 

I regularly post the celebration on Facebook but maybe I'm not thorough in giving God the credit for the gift of the past year's existence.  The verse in 2 Chronicles reminded me I'm glad to here today, in this minute and God made it possible!

Solomon had achieved his goals.  The preceding verses tell me Solomon was the undisputed ruler of Israel.  His family history was full of family drama and rebellion, the stuff soap operas are based.  Solomon had established his kingdom because the Lord had made him exceedingly great.

At this pinnacle of life and career, Solomon gathered the military leaders, judges, political leaders and priests to join him his celebration.  They met in Gibeon, a historically significant location for Israel's relationship with God, and he sacrificed 1000 burnt offerings. 

1000 burnt offerings was a great celebration, bigger than pink T-shirts or raspberry shakes. The Recipient of the gratefulness is the same and greater still. 

2 Chronicles 1:6 reminds me that God has established:
my "kingdom"
my life
my family
my days
my moments.

God, I'm glad to be here.  Thanks a bunch.

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