Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Daily List Part 2

It's 4 am again and I reviewed the list from yesterday.  The first item did not get done or attempted.  Molly made it to the vet where we learned she was unusual-no surprise to us!  I did get the paint samples and am studying them, as I usually do, to finalize my choice.  I guess the most important got done, the less important is in process.

As I read Mark 12:35-44 it seemed as though Jesus gives me the list of the less important.  The list that the world values in stark contrast to what really defines us and our relationship with God.
Jesus poses a question as He is teaching in the temple court. How can David call his own son Lord?  It was well established that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David. Yet this great King anticipates surrendering his will to the future Messiah.  By the way the crowd was delighted with this teaching.

Then Jesus warns about the teachers of the law who like to act important, receive privileges and show off their wealth.  I imagine the crowd  delighted in this teaching also.  The average of the world can always spot the vain and prideful.

Finally Jesus uses the sacrifice of meaningless copper pennies to demonstrate the true meaning of living for God.  The poor widow gave out of what she had, what she had to live on, everything she had.

I saw a stark contrast between what the world values and what God values in us.

The world values
God values love with

Again Jesus contrasts the temporary of this world with the eternal values.  The world strokes your ego, builds your pride and amasses your wealth.  But circumstances can steal those temporary treasures in a nanosecond!

God has given us a heart, a soul, a mind and our strength.  Circumstances may rob us of those but only when we allow it. We can give these treasures to the world and lose them. Or we can give our heart, soul, mind and strength to God and see these eternal treasures grow great and give us the ability to survive in this temporary world.

By the way, I am delighted with this teaching from Jesus.  This will help me make today's list and get through it!  How I live out today may seem meaningless to the world, like two copper pennies but I want to love God with everything that truly is important.

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