Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Pouting Parlor

There it was, the answer to my dilemma.   I circled it on my pro and con list. I had a career decision to make and it was a big one.  Many people had given me all kinds of advice but I had a hard time making the choice.  I resorted to making a list of the benefits and the negatives in the room my family nicknamed "The Pouting Parlor."  (It was actually  the living room that was gated off from the dogs so it was rarely used.  Occasionally when one of us needed to be away from the others we'd spend a few moments in the Pouting Parlor.  It was voluntary, not a time out room.)

Mark 1:35-39 tells of Jesus going to a solitary place, very early in the morning, so early it was still dark,  to pray.  Simon and his companions finally found Jesus to tell Him, "Everyone is looking for you."

Everyone.   I imagine Everyone was giving Jesus advice on how to succeed in ministry.  Everyone wanted a few minutes of Jesus' time.  Everyone wanted to see His  ability to preach, heal and eliminate demons.

Today  we are influenced by Everyone, I call it The World.  Our society tells us how to dress, think, enjoy and succeed.  It's more than the influence of television and advertising.  It's the expectations of the community for certain opinions and actions. 

Usually, these expectations will cause us to live in an orderly society but sometimes the worldly influence will cause us to stray from our real purpose, our destiny, our God- given mission.

Jesus gives us the example to keep on track and focused on our real purpose. He showed me that I need time away from Everyone and alone in prayer with Him.  This is what happened for me that day in the Pouting Parlor.  God reminded me of my purpose and priorities and it was not to please Everyone.  I don't regret the decision even though by worldly standards it was not a logical choice.

Jesus' reply to Everyone was, "Let's go somewhere I can preach...That is why I have come."  Jesus knew exactly what His purpose, destiny and mission was.  Too often I listen to Everyone and get distracted or even lost. He has given me His example to stay on the path of my purpose, destiny and mission, to spend quality, solitary time with Him. (and for me regularly, it is very early in the morning  when it's a bit dark and occasionally in The Pouting Parlor!)

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