Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trust the author

"Ooops!  Guess my project just got shorter."  My friend came over to help me.  I was making a table runner out of lots of triangles.  I'm not good with triangles. I'm not sure I like triangles. I'd sewn some the wrong direction.  I also am not good at ripping and it is the part of sewing I dislike most.  My solution:  throw the wrong way triangles away and my table runner is a bit shorter than the pattern.  My friend even volunteered to rip. I'd rather throw them away.

My problem was I had not read the instructions all the way through and then followed the instructions step by step.  I got carried away by my "assembly line" sewing. My current project even includes the warning:  "Read through the entire set of instructions several times before you begin."  Yikes, she must know me.  I did need four times through that pattern before I could begin step one.  I am still unclear how all the pieces and instructions will accomplish the final product.  I've learned the hard way to follow the steps, in order.  I am going to trust the author--even when I think I have a better idea.

I was reminded of the importance of following the steps in order when I read Deuteronomy 2:25-31.  Two times in the NIV translation God gave the Israelites the instruction to begin to conquer or to possess the land.  Once He told them He had begun to put terror in the hearts of their opponents.

God's plans usually are a  process.  God often tells us the big picture, the final result.  Then He will give us step one.  Our job is to focus on the final goal but not to skip a step.  Our job is to follow His plan.

Too often we are impatient and challenge the steps to get to the end faster. We often justify it by saying we are doing it for God but are we?  Is it our pride that leads us to get to the end faster?

Too many times have I heard young believers (not young in age but in following the Lord) hear their call from God, get excited and rush to fulfill the call on their own terms.  I've  heard: why do I need a college degree?  why do I need to go to Bible school?  Why can't I go now?  How long do I have to do_____?  I know a better way.

In too many circumstances, we forget that God controls all the details.  Along our journey, when we are following the steps, in order:   We may meet important and influential  people. We may learn important life lessons that will make us better servants. We will learn to deal with different and difficult people. There may be obstacles to be overcome and if we give God the time He will conquer obstacles so we won't encounter them.

When we skip steps, thinking we are serving God, we often fail or become disillusioned and abandon the call.

In Deuteronomy God told the Israelites He had begun to put terror in the hearts of their opponents.  I'm basically a coward so I'd be waiting for God to be finished with the "terror-putting" before I engaged an opponent.

The authors of my quilt patterns have written the steps to help me.  They have probably made the same mistakes as I and they  have included steps to prevent my mistake.  I just need to follow the steps, in order.  I need to trust the author.

I know God does dramatically intervene in our lives and immediately equip us.  God can do and has done that to accomplish His Will.  Yet as a general rule, it's a process. He is a gentle leader and gives us time for training and preparation.  The training and preparation is for our benefit.

Today I am reminded following God is a process and I need to follow His steps, in order.  I need to trust The Author.

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