Thursday, October 24, 2013

Here's the mission

"Obedience Commanded."  This is the heading in my NIV translation that begins Chapter 4 in Deuteronomy.  Those two words disturb my independent spirit.  I am a rebel and too often demand to know why I need to obey.  I want to know the purpose of my submission.

Years ago in my adult Sunday School class, I must have made a similar comment.  My retired military friend enlightened me on following orders.  He explained that obedience comes after you are convinced of the mission.  Obedience is not blind.  It has purpose and when you know the purpose, the mission, obedience makes sense.

I'll admit to being old enough to have grown up watching the original television show "Mission Impossible".  The opening always included, "Your mission, should you choose to accept it................"

So I'm going to think of the first eight verses of chapter four as "Here's the mission".  These verses begin with a "listen up, this is important feel." Remember in school, when the teacher said, "You might want to write this down, it might be on the test"?

Then Moses tells the benefit of following the commands--it will show them how to live in the new land.  Years ago we went to interview at a church in California.  It was a very different place from where we grew up.  I must have had that "deer in headlights" look or looked very gullible.  One of the first pieces of advice I received when I got off the plane was, "Don't let anyone give you an olive right off the tree.  They taste really bad before they are cured."  I have learned that when I enter new territory it's good to get advice on how to  live in that territory.

Moses also gives the warning to follow the commands and decrees exactly.  Don't add and subtract.  He must know me.  I always have a better idea.  I love to change procedures, rules and patterns.  Sometimes, I like change, just for change sake. Yet, I don't always have a better idea. 

Moses reminds them that disobeying has very serious consequences.  God destroyed all of those who followed Baal of Peor.  He reminded them that they were alive today because they followed the commands.  Obedience saved your life in the past and it will save your life in the future.

Then Moses tells them their mission, their purpose, the benefit of following the commands exactly.  They will be known as wise and understanding people.  OK, I'm in.  I aspire to be known as wise and understanding.  It's not in my selfish nature but if I follow God's commands, I will be known as wise and understanding.

And, I will bring honor and glory to God.  Moses tells the Israelites that  other nations will marvel that God is near to them, unlike any other god and its people.  Others will know that when the Israelites pray God is near.

OK, now I'm really in.  Not only do I get to be wise and understanding, I get to be known as belonging to the God who is near when I pray.  I'm convinced.  Let's move to the Promised Land!

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