Monday, June 3, 2019

All That Matter, Relationship to One

"It's Mr. Jan!"  My new friends called out to my husband as he came through the door.  They'd heard about him. They knew about his job and his personality.  Apparently I don't use his name enough.  They know about our relationship.  They knew who he was because he was with me.

I have a challenge.  I'm determined to finish my series of blogs on the sixth verse of each book of the Bible.  The sixth verse in Ezekiel is pretty short:

"but each of  them had four faces and four wings." 

Lord, where's the inspiration in this partial sentence describing those curious four living creatures?  ( This verse begins with the word 'but', rarely does good follow 'but'!)

The number four captured my attention.  Four creatures with four faces and four wings. I like numbers.  They are definite.  There is rarely a discrepancy with a number involved.  You can always count and confirm a number.

My surprise was the definition of four is relational.  The dictionary explained four is the sum of two plus two or the sum of  one plus three or ten minus six.  Apparently to comprehend four, I must understand two, one, ten and six.  I did have quality math teachers so I understood four with the  presentation of its relationship to other numbers.  Just like my friends recognized my husband because of his relationship to me. 

The critical number to comprehend in the world of math relationships is one.  It is the first and lowest whole number.  In my mind all the numbers are defined in relationship to one.  I must acknowledge one before I can comprehend any other number.  It begins with one!

Ezekiel 1: 6 , and this thought exercise on numbers, led me to ponder my relationship with God.  My relationship with God is also defined by a number - the number One.  There is:

only One God, despite the world's attempts to control me with cheap imitations;
only One knows me completely and values me absolutely, despite the world's attempts to convince me otherwise;
only One gives me my true worth and identity while the world squeezes me into restrictive labels.

 Do our earthly relationships recognize our relationship with The Only One?

Do others understand The Only One because of  what we say about Him or how we live life? 

Do others see the value we place on relationship with The Only One?

All that matters, relationship to One!

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