Tuesday, August 23, 2016

From Not Me to I am

"Not Me" is an invisible urchin allegedly responsible for havoc in the cartoon household of "Family  Circus."  If you do an internet search for "Family Circus Not Me"  you will see his portrait and antics.  Not Me is blamed by all the children so they don't claim responsibility for their actions. "Who broke the vase?"  "Not Me."

I thought of  this cartoon as I read Mark 14:43-72.  At the end of the passage  Peter  proclaims three times "Not Me" when asked if he was a follower of Jesus.  I didn't find a translation that actually used those two words but in my mind, Peter was declaiming any responsibility or association just like the children in the cartoons.

Peter's "Not Me" stands in stark contrast to Jesus' single reply of "I AM..." in verse 62.  Jesus had been brought before the Jewish Supreme Court (as the Living Bible relates).  False witnesses told their lies.  Jesus said nothing.   The liars contradicted themselves but still Jesus remained silent.  Jesus even refused to answer the question of why He refused to answer the charges.

However, when the High Priest asked Him directly "Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?"  He spoke.  "I AM, and you will see  me sitting at the right hand of God and returning to earth in the clouds of heaven."  That got them all riled up.  They called for the death sentence, spit at Jesus, blindfolded him and hit Him with  their fists.

Meanwhile Peter is hanging out in the courtyard trying to maintain a low profile.  An observant maid, recognizes him as a follower of Jesus.  Peter denied it and moved away.  The maid began calling attention to Peter and telling the others he was a disciple of Jesus.  Peter denied it again.  A bit later, the others in the courtyard said, "You are too one of those from Galilee." For the third time Peter denied knowing Jesus.  The rooster crowed the second time, just as Jesus had foretold, three denials, two crows.

Why do we try to be secret followers of Jesus, just like Peter?  Perhaps we fear ridicule, ignorance or injury.  Apparently we don't fear disappointing Jesus, failure of our mission or missing an opportunity to point another toward the Kingdom.

I know, that's harsh.  It makes us feel guilty and worthless.  These verses remind me that I too often act just like Peter and try to say "Not Me".

However, today these verses remind me of
Freely Given Grace. 

Jesus knew Peter would fail in this situation. He loved Peter anyway.  He willingly died for Peter's sin and failure that day and everyday in Peter's past and future.

In contrast to  Peter's list of "Not Me" denials, Jesus proclaims a single "I AM".  Jesus' proclamation and resulting sacrifice gave us the privilege to be delivered from the life of a list of "Not Me" denials to the wonderful amazing world of I am...
I am loved
I am rescued
I am forgiven
I am chosen
I am...

The list is limitless just as Jesus' love is unlimited and is continually lavished on us in spite of our human inclination to deny any affiliation.

Jesus' love has placed the mark of "I am" on my life.  I may try to deny it but the Great I AM has continually changed my life forever by His great love.

Jesus, thanks for delivering me from a life  of "Not me" and giving me the privilege of being an "I am".

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