Saturday, January 16, 2016

Daily Report

“How was your day?”  I ask my husband each day when I get home from work and after I’ve calmed excited dogs!  It has become a habit.  Usually we brief each other on the day’s activities and news.  Then we move on to discuss “What’s for dinner?”

The apostles did a similar briefing with Jesus when they came back from a ministry trip.  Mark 6:30-34 inspired me to Report, Rest, Remember and Return.

I envision the apostles on a “ministry high” -- excited to tell Jesus all about the incredible changes they witnessed in the lives of ordinary people.  They reported all they had done and taught.  Do I report in to Jesus  and tell Him about the incredible people in the world in which I live?  Do I have anything exciting to report to Jesus?

The apostles were so busy and excited that they hadn’t had a chance to eat.  So Jesus said “Come with me to a quiet place and get some rest.”  It’s a good idea to get refreshed and rest up when we’ve done what Jesus has called each of us.  Have I done enough on behalf of Jesus to even need to rest up?

I might think that since I’ve accomplished a particular task as Jesus has called, that I’m done, finished or “off duty.”  Yet the final verses of this set of verses reminds me to remember that God is always at work so there are always people who need His touch through my ministry. 
Jesus had compassion on the people who ran along the shore to meet up with Jesus as His boat landed.  He saw them as lost sheep without a shepherd.  So He taught them.  Jesus demonstrated compassion that was always available to those in need.  I have benefited from Jesus’ compassion.  Do I remember the compassion I received and pass it on to those around me?  God is never “off duty” so what makes me think I can go “off duty” from participating in God’s work?  When the opportunity to join God’s work, am I ready to return to work with God?

I think Jesus asks me how my day was everyday too.  I will resolve to start the day ready to have something to report at the end of the day.

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