Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Blessed Reminder

"I'll bring bread right away" the waitress exclaimed.  As she rushed away, she turned and added "and water, lots of water." I was with several ladies at a department store restaurant. The special of the day was "Shrimp Diablo".  When asked to describe it, the waitress said it was spicy hot, very spicy hot.  The challenge was made and Gloria and I both proclaimed, "We can handle it!"  She tried to talk us out of it but we had made our decision.

It was HOT, really hot.  So when the waitress came to check on us, she only had to look at our faces to see our predicament.   Today if I saw Gloria, we would laugh that our pride got us into a hot situation because we share this memory every time we see each other.

Whenever I think of Gloria, I remember the greatest blessing she gave me. "I'm going to pray right now for your new special friend."  My friend from across the country was giving me a life lesson and a gift. 

I  had the opportunity to serve on our denomination women's board.  I thought I was there to work and serve, which I did.  Yet through my terms of service I engaged with wise and godly women who gave me thought provoking and promising advice.

Gloria had been a missionary and a pastor's wife.  She knew, by first-hand experience, the joys and fears of a new ministry and the resulting change of home.  I'd just told her that my husband had accepted a call to a church in another state.  I can't remember if I told her that my greatest fear was making friends.  (I like to think I'm a loner but I'm not.  I need a friend or two in my life.)

When Gloria pronounced her blessing on me it gave me encouragement and hope.  She reminded me of who God was and who I was to God.  (He knew me best and knew I was not a loner.)  She reminded me of my future.  There was a friend or two waiting for me because God provides for me.  Gloria also gave me a plan.  When I  got to the new town, start looking for that friend.

I got started thinking about blessings when I read Moses' blessing over the tribes just before he was to die in Deuteronomy 33.   He mentions each tribe by name.  Some of the tribes were just barely  mentioned in half a verse, like Reuben is to live long and prosper.  Other tribes, like Levi, get a lengthier mention with a bit of history, mission and promise.

Too often we think of a blessing just as a thanks to God, like before a meal.  Today I think of a blessing over me as a combination of wish, prayer, reminder, promise and prophecy.  Moses knew the Israelites very well.  He'd seen generations come and go.  He'd heard their complaints, whines and disputes.  He'd seen God provide for their daily needs.  He'd been their shepherd, general and parent.

In his final words, Moses reminds them that, just like his blessing, life starts and finishes with God, His Power, His Provision and His Promise.  Chapter 33 starts with God as King and ends with "there is no one like the God of Jeshurun."

Throughout the blessing Moses tells the Israelites that God has a plan and a future for each one of them.  God cares about each tribe and  knows their name and their personality.  He gives a glimpse into their future to encourage them to follow after God, the source of their blessed lives.

I have used Gloria's blessing over me several times.  When we have moved to a new community, I remind myself that God has friends for me.  I depend on God.

Today I am inspired to live God' blessing over me, to be the God of my life, my details, my fears, my joys, my victories.  God has provided, is providing and will provide. 

There is nothing in this world like God but God.  The world invites and tempts me with so many alternatives.  There is no other who will love, care and protect. 

I am so incredibly blessed.


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