Friday, October 25, 2019

Bugs or Bush, Keep God's Focus


 “His clothes were woven from coarse camel hair, and he wore a leather belt around his waist. For food he ate locusts and wild honey.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

'What's for dinner?"  How many parents dread hearing this question from curious children. We spend time, money and effort worrying about our food intake 

"What will I wear?"  A question I personally dread.  Last night I made my clothing decisions so I didn't have to start my day with annoyance.

Today's verse reminds me that I allow the trivial decisions of food and clothing to distract me from God's work for me for the day.

John the Baptist was to prepare hearts and minds for the coming Savior.  He made his God given lifework his full attention.  To keep his focus, perhaps, he kept his meal and clothing choices to bare minimum.

To our world of excess, his choices seem weird but think of the time saved.  He wore simple sackcloth rather than spun cloth.  Same thing every day but I don't think they had"fashion police" in those days.  He didn't have to dress for success or to impress.  He had the most important news  of all time: Salvation  is coming!

He ate locusts instead of three course meals.  I did snoop the internet for the truth on locust eating.  There appears to be two opinions.  Yes, locusts are a bug that is available for food.  The scholars assure that they taste like shrimp.  Opinion two presents the locust bush which produces berries suitable for eating.  Regardless of which opinion sounds most palatable,  John kept it simple.

Today, what if I dressed to share the best news that came into my life:  Jesus loves even me!.What if I just grabbed a protein bar which will take a couple minutes to consume and give me energy for the morning and spent the extra time thanking God for His amazing love!

I'm not concerned about bugs or bush.  I am to keep life simple to share God's work more.  (Hence, I didn't waste time resolving the inability to get a caption under today's photo.  It would have been "My first cajun meal, in Chinatown!")

Keep life simple,share God's love in your life!

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