Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Moving from Lack-ish Town

"OK, Rich, remember what we've taught you..."  I was at our monthly card group and a new player was at my table.  I wasn't drawing the cards I needed so I decided it was time for some risky play.  We all had been sharing the strategy for success with the new players and what I was about to do violated the generally accepted plan.

I thought about my teaching and my example that night when I read Micah 1:6- 13.  Micah listed the consequence of idolatry and oppression. He named specific communities and gave details of the disasters to come. 

Samaria would crumble into a heap of rubble. It would become a vineyard.  Those ornate, idolatrous and expensive temples would be burned. People would be led away as slaves. People would live in fear behind their walls. They would vainly hope for better days.  They would become bitter. People would suffer for straying from the Lord's way. 

Then in verse 13 Micah points his prophetic bony finger (I always imagine prophets pointing bony fingers in the Name of The Lord) at Lachish.  Lachish started the downward slide.  Other Israelite cities followed their example and strayed from The Lord to worship worthless idols.

I am always struck with fear when  someone begins to quote something I said or repeats one of my actions.  I feel the weight of influence.  God left me here to proclaim His Name, His Work and His Glory.  I worry that I may have misspoke or someone caught me in an all-too-human moment of assimilation to the world.

Fortunately, God is merciful.  He believes in second chances.  Perhaps those times are opportunities for me to be a better example.  Or a time to share God's amazing grace with another soul that has a tendency to want the temporary benefits of this world, not focusing on the eternal rewards in our future.

By the way, my risky card play, didn't result in a victory that night.  It was just a discussion of strategy and a teachable moment for the rookie!

Today I am reminded not to be Lachish or Lack-ish (as I like to think this town is  pronounced) in my spiritual walk.  Today I am inspired to concentrate so my witness does not lack in proclaiming the beginning of worthy worship-Jesus, only Jesus.  What I do and say, build and acquire, should proclaim Jesus.  Others are paying attention.  More importantly, God knows.  He always knows.  We think we can build walls and hide.  Hallelujah, God is greater  than any wall I can build. He loves me enough to come to me. He gives me another dose of His amazing grace.

My life does not lack in blessings and benefits.  Therefore my devotion to The  Source of these blessings and benefits shall not be lack-ish.  I have experienced His love and mercy.  So I am moving from Lack-ish Town!

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