Friday, September 11, 2015

Come when I call

"When you hear me call, you come!"  It was one of my mom's rules.  Recently my husband and I were reminiscing about growing up in our respective neighborhoods.  My most vivid memory of  outside play was "Kick the Can."  It's basically an outdoor night version of "Hide N Seek."  Most of the neighborhood kids my age were boys so this was the usual activity.  I don't think Mom liked us being out after dark running through yards and jumping fences to avoid detection.  So when she'd thought we'd played enough she'd call us home.

She'd impressed upon me the importance of coming when she'd call.  I don't recall ignoring her even during the game.  Not responding to her call was not an option, even if I was well hidden.

I am still impressing upon Mickey, the male pup, that "Come" is not optional. If he is not ready to come when I call, I go get him.  He gets a  reminder tug on the collar, much as a mother dog would use on her pups.

When I read Mark 3:13-19 I was impressed that when Jesus called The 12, they came.  Jesus was going up a mountain and called those He wanted with Him and they came.  He designated them as apostles so they might be with Him and He might send them out to preach and have authority over demons.  These verses name those 12 and includes a bit of description for several.

Would I come when He calls?  Too often we think it's too risky to come when Jesus calls or we think it may cost us something.  Yet I am reminded of John 10 when Jesus tells me He is the Good Shepherd.  His sheep know His Voice and when He calls they listen and obey. If a single sheep strays and gets lost, He goes to find it.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd so coming should not be an option to weigh and choose.  Coming to Jesus' call should be a "no-brainer" because He calls us to be with Him (as The 12 went to the mountain), to have adventures together(as The 12 were sent out to preach) and to have victory (as The 12 had authority over demons, one of the  more incomprehensible situations in their lives). 

Jesus called The 12 to the good and gave them authority over evil.  Jesus calls to me to come to the good, Him, and away from the evil.  Why do I hesitate or deliberate? Because I'm selfish and want to play a bit longer the way I want to play.  So my mom had a rule.  So I have to go get Mickey and remind him of my rule.  I want Mickey to come to me to protect him in the future.  I want him to listen and obey so that if he is in danger and I call, he comes to me.  Jesus calls to me so He can protect me from sin, mine and others.

I know Jesus' voice.  I will listen for His voice and I will choose to come.  It's really not an option.

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