Friday, September 26, 2014

I promise...

"...through all the varying experiences of our life..." The phrase from our marriage vows makes us giggle.  It was trendy when we spoke it so many years ago and several young couples have used it in their vows since.  Little did we know that it would be so descriptive.  Together we have see gain and loss, success and not so success, accomplishment, opportunity, lessons, parenthood, illness, joy and a whole lot of just plain fun.    Little did we know that we promised to live together through so many changes in a world where most people don't or aren't able to keep a commitment.

Deuteronomy 26: 16-19 made me think about promises.  In these verses, God asks the Israelites to promise that He is their God and to walk in His ways by keeping His commands.
I realized that I have made only a few promises in my life.  I was a Girl Scout for many years and promised to do my best to serve God and others.  I made a promise for life to my husband.  I am careful with my promises.  Life happens.  I'm human and fail to deliver occasionally.

In a world where promises and commitment are uncertain, these verses in Deuteronomy remind me that God always delivers.  He promised the Israelites that they would be His treasured possession and He would set them above all nations to be His people.  The Israelites who would have heard these verses for the first time were about to actually see the land of milk and honey, to be rich beyond anything they had known before and to become leaders instead of slaves.
These verses also remind me of the purpose of my promise, to fulfill my longing for belonging.  When I said the Girl Scout promise, I declared that I belonged to a troop and a worldwide network of other scouts. 
After nearly 40 years of marriage, there is no doubt that I belong with Dick Sipe for life.  Through all the varying experiences of my life, my longing for belonging has been satisfied with Dick.
God knows our heart and soul and knows that we long to belong to Him.  There is a void within each of us that only God fills.  He promises that we will be treasured. 
History and my personal experience with God affirms that God keeps His promise. He is faithful and dependable.   He asks that I keep my promise to Him to follow His ways.  I see no other way!

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