Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Purpose

Finally! It was a beautiful Spring day and I was off on my daily walk. After the May snowstorm, Spring was finally here!
This morning after I read Psalm 138:8, I had been meditating on purpose. Most would think that my daily walk has the purpose of maintaining my health. Some might think I enjoy it. (Not really, I’d skip in a heartbeat but the beating of my heart is important so on I walk!)
"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me..."
Today the purpose of my walk was to remind me of God’s faithfulness. Every morning the sun comes up and today it was a beautiful sunrise!
Psalm 138:8 tells me that God has a purpose for me. People may think my purpose is wife, mother, legal assistant and/or pastor’s wife. Yet God has a purpose for me and I think it’s much more than all of these.
We each search for purpose, maybe today we call it validation or approval. We seek to be good parents, employees, friends, siblings or children. This verse tells me that our purpose, validation and approval has been given by God. What a comfort and a challenge! God loves me so much that He has a purpose for me, little me. So what is that purpose? To live the life and the purpose He has given me to the best of my ability to bring honor to God. As I live this life, with this goal, I receive validation, approval and happiness.
"...Your love, Lord, endures forever..."
There may be pressure to live up to God’s purpose but the rest of this verse reminds me, as the sunrise this morning, that God’s love, for me, endures forever. God loves me through my meandering life, my stumblings to find His love and purpose, and my failures as a human being. God’s love, for me, for you, is forever.
"...Don’t abandon the works of your hands."
The end of this verse reminds me of the benefit to me of prayer. Tell God what you need and want. I know He already knows but I need the assurance of knowing He knows. So I need to mention it to Him.
So again today, I am receiving God’s unfailing love and belief in His purpose for my life. Soon, one of my earthly purposes will end (pastor’s wife as my husband is to retire). I look forward to the adventure and discovery of a new earthly purpose that will be a part of God’s purpose for me –to be one that God loves.
God has purpose for me.
God loves me.
God, stay with me.

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