Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Secret is at the End

I'll never know the #1 worst __________ because I was too impatient.  I had done an internet search on a problem and clicked on an info-commercial type video.  The video had dramatic music and catchy photos but I was ready for the #1 worst and the solution by the time the video was on #3.  Of course, no way to fast forward.  Unfortunately my internet training came at the hands of the instant gratification society so I clicked off.  So I'll never know the solution.  I wasn't prepared for the whole presentation.

The prophet Micah interjects what he would expect the Israelite response should be to the Lord's accusation of their unfaithfulness in the verses just preceding verses 6 though 8 in chapter 6.  Micah asks what would be a proper offer of reconciliation from the Israelites to The Lord after the realization of what He has done for them and their obvious misplaced worship of other gods.

Would the acceptable gesture be year  old calves, thousands of rams, ten thousand rivers of oil or even the first born child?  Now that the transgression is fully understood the desperate attempts to reconcile are planned.

I thought about those "I'm sorry" gifts I'd given and received.  Cookies, flowers, letters, acts of service.  It's already easier to apologize with a gift in hand.  It "breaks the ice" and "cuts the tension".  I still highly recommend the practice of a tangible with an apology.  But that is not my point today.

Micah points to the method to completely avoid the need for a transgression apology.  He reminds the Israelites of what God has shown them, by His example, and what He expects of them.

To act justly (Who else but God is more fair and wise to judge all matters and people?)

To love mercy (Who else but God has loved us more and lavished us with undeserved grace?) and

to walk humbly with your God.

There it is the secret.  We too often think it's humility.  It's last in the list of qualities and usually the hardest for us proud humans.  The real secret to a relationship with God is "with your God."

First, we must make Him our One and Only God.  The only One we worship and follow.  This is quite  a challenge in today's world when busy-ness alone becomes an obstacle to worship as well as an object of worship.  God is to be my only God.  Not anything the world may try to present as much more gratifying.

Secondly, we must join Him and live our lives with Him.  Have you ever tried to hold hands and walk with someone who has a longer, faster stride or one who takes small careful steps when you  are ready to just get there?  Frustrating, right?  Too often we drop hands and just walk separately.

Maybe that's the secret to a fruitful relationship with God:  to never let go of His hands and learn to walk with Him, at whatever pace He sets and to wherever He leads.

If I choose to live my life with my God, then acting justly and loving mercy will be the results. I won't have to discipline myself to be just and merciful, I will thirst to be fair and gracious because I've experienced justice and mercy from The One True God.

In The Message verse 8 ends with "Don't take yourself too seriously, take God seriously." So today I begin to take my relationship with God more seriously and my gratification of self far less seriously!  I'm glad I made it to the end of these verses to gain some insight into the real secret to life with God!

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