This was not the best part of their day. The three dogs wake up anticipating the
moment the leashes come out of the basket.
They love to go for a walk. I
shook my head in amazement. The three
dog walk came to a standstill. Each dog kept vying for the leadership position
so the three leashes were braided together.
They were going nowhere! I could
sense a dog fight in the near future.
Before I untangled them I snapped a photo because I just
knew there was a spiritual lesson. If
they would let me lead and not worry about being first.....
"God is greater...." entitles my next page in my Micah journal. In verses 9-15 in chapter 5, Micah proclaims
victory in the Coming Day when the Lord will destroy the works of human hands
so that humans will no longer bow down and worship their works instead of
Him. Micah mentions the destruction of
horses and chariots, cities and strongholds, witchcraft and false idols. The Lord will take vengeance on the nations
who have disobeyed Him.
We live in a world where people think they can build
defenses, fortresses and protective forces to stave off evil. God is greater.
I listed what I have depended for protection: my intellect, my decision making, my control,
my relationships. When I saw this list I
was struck by the very temporary and unreliable nature of those things I sought
for my protection. God is greater.
The three dogs got so tangled during the favorite part of
their day such that it was no longer enjoyable and became contentious. If they
would just follow my lead. I reviewed my
list and the common word in the list was "my." My disobedience, my refusal to follow His
lead, blinds me to God's greatness. His
greatness is the real and dependable source of protection and ultimate victory.
God is greater than anything and everything this world. He is
G racious
R eady
E ternal
A vailable
T rustworthy
E verywhere
R eal
The dogs haven't learned that the tangled leashes get them
nowhere. I'm learning that my way does
not lead me where I truly want to go. My
life will be victorious if I let God lead and not strive to be first. God is greater.
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