Sunday, May 31, 2015


Pilialoha.  The theme of my brother's toast at his daughter's wedding.  It means "beloved".  I had to look up the meaning because I couldn't remember.  I was amazed and astonished when my brother gave the explanation.  This was my younger brother, he was never littler than me.  He followed me down the sledding trail.  He was the annoying brother who would put his foot across the imaginary line  Dad created across the backseat so he wouldn't "have to stop the car" when we both were bugging each other.  And he was that little boy who bought me jewelry like the dog pin I still have.

This little brother had a daughter who was getting married.  He'd started and sold companies, managed people and budgets and led spiritual retreats!  He had experienced Life's challenges and found solace in God and His good gifts. Where had the  years gone?  Why was I surprised?

In Mark 1:21-28 the people in the synagogue at Capernaum were amazed at Jesus' teaching.  He taught with authority, so much authority that an evil spirit possessing a man challenged Him.  Jesus commanded the evil spirit to be quiet and to come out.  It obeyed.  The people were amazed at His "new" teaching and that His order to the evil spirit was obeyed!

Why were they so amazed?  Jesus was announcing that what they had long awaited had come.  God heard their petitions and He was here.

These verses reminded me that change is hard.  Change is hard because I am confronted with the realization that I am not the center of the universe.  Life goes on, not just for me, but all around  me.  When I go on vacation I rarely read a newspaper or follow the news, yet the news happens.  The world does not stop just because I do.

God is continually at work around me.  He's at work.  I'm the one not paying attention so I'm the one who is astonished and amazed at what God is doing in my life and everyone else!  God has a Plan for the world, everyone else, my brother and  me.  He is amazing!

I am not the center of the universe.  God is the center of the universe and He is Amazing!

If the evil spirits recognize and obey, why don't I?  He is AMazing!

I need to be like the people in Capernaum and tell everyone, so the Good News will spread throughout the region because He is AMAzing!

Life may change around me but God remains the same.  Always at His work, He is AMAZing!

God hears us. God is here now. He is AMAZING!


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