Friday, November 13, 2020

To So or Not to Sew

 At last!  I'm able to continue  my blog journey of The Abundant  Life. I'd signed myself up for three online Bible studies.  (What was I thinking?)

My theme verse is a fraction of  verse 10 of John 10, "I came so they might have Life and have it abundantly."  The plan is consider each word to discover the meaning of Abundant Life. 

The world's interpretation of abundance is accumulation, control and visible. This view is quite enticing and seems so available.

Here's a recap of what I've discovered so by mediating on each word.  Abundant Life is more of Jesus, not worldly stuff.  Abundant Life is eternal, not temporary.  Abundant Life is about following, not trailblazing.  Abundant Life is for our benefit and fills our deepest needs.

"I came so..." I've been pondering the word "So."  (Hearing the word "So" brings visions of my glorious new sewing room. 


I'm being brutally honest with this photo of my untidy room.  Be kind.... creativity is messy!  In my room,  large pieces of fabric are cut into small bits to be sewn into particular patterns to create intricate designs. 

Some ask, why cut large pieces of fabric into small pieces only to sew them back together to make a large piece? My answer to this why: It is my expression of creativity. The process gives me enjoyment, satisfaction and anticipation.

As humans we long for purpose, for ourselves and the circumstances affecting us.  The why question is often the first a small human asks.  If you are a parent or have interacted with young humans, remember back to a  child whose response to any request is why.  It can be exasperating to the adult and occasionally the adult's response is "because I said so."  This   response is totally unfulfilling in the quest to make sense of the chaos in the world.

Too often in life, we ask the wrong question.  On one of my overseas adventures, an official asked me from where I was coming.  My recitation of my recent itinerary confused him.  Rather he was frustrated.  His English was limited. English is my only language.  We had a failure to communicate.  Three times he asked the same question until he had a revelation and altered his question to "Why are you coming?"  My  answer satisfied him and he welcomed me to his country.

Perhaps we don't dwell on the Why Jesus came question enough.  Today's thinking has inspired me to consider the Why. Sometimes I avoid the question thinking it a sign of doubt.  Yet today it generates anticipation.  Jesus invites me  to a unique opportunity. Jesus brings us a way of life the world cannot.  What seems to be bits and pieces  of life, He actually has a special design just for me  and you.  Jesus invites you, and me, into His creative design for life.  He can use the bits and pieces of our life, sometimes made messy by our own misdirected efforts, into a unique plan, a purpose.


The word "So" in this portion of verse 10 in John 10 brings anticipation  "So" is a conjunction, a joining word, an alert that something important is to be revealed. The why question will be answered.

Some ask why Jesus came.  "So" is the signal of the answer given.  Jesus came to earth to offer me, and you, not just Life, but Abundant Life.  My mind visualizes Jesus opening a door and inviting me, and you, into His abode. It's not the famous church school rendition of Jesus knocking on a door with no handle, asking to enter.  Rather it's a rendition of the Ghost of Christmas  Present in The Muppet Christmas Carol.  The giant character, whose presence swelled to fill the room,  joyously holds open the door and invites Scrooge to enter and "Know me better, man!"

We may feel like waiting for His invitation but the invite was proffered years ago.


“But those who wait for the LORD [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.”

Isaiah 40:31 AMP  (emphasis added)



Isaiah 40:31 has always fascinated ,me.  The irony of waiting and binding together.  The definition of the Hebrew word for wait includes "to collect, bind together."  Jesus came to collect, what seems to us, chaotic bits and pieces of everyday life to join (or stitch) together to give us a purpose, a part of the master design of life.  Our role is to spend time in anticipation, hope and trust.

Sounds too simple yet, anticipation builds as I explore His description of this Life.  Remember He calls it abundant!  Abundant Life must be big, fill the room big, super-power big.  Oh right, Jesus does have super powers, like flying as an eagle, like fatigueless energy, like victory over death.

Perhaps as the Ghost of Christmas Present  invited Scrooge, Jesus invites you, and me to step through His open door of Abundant Life and know Him better, people!

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