“In his justice he will pay back those who persecute you.”
2 Thessalonians 1:6 NLT
This cute fluffy pup named Molly is my dog. She follows me. If I leave the room, she follows me. Even if I'm in the bathroom, she'll peak her head through the door to check on my whereabouts. Yet she has a lesson for me and perhaps the world in which we live.
Molly and this world have a vengeance problem.
One day this week, I accidentally stepped on Molly's tail. She was sound asleep at my feet but I didn't notice. She was startled and yelped. I apologized but those words don't mean much to Molly. Her response was to jump up and seek out the old dog she knew she could beat up.
If Molly feels her self-anointed position as "Queen" is challenged she finds a way to restore her feeling of superiority. It always means the ancient dog will pay that price.
Today's verse made me ponder. Do I trust God to handle fairness and justice? Too often it seems humanity feels the need to right all wrongs, sometimes with more wrong. When someone appears to cut in line at the post office I take a little step to establish my place. I'm retired. What is so important in life that I need to be second to mail my package rather than third?
My pondering search on the internet reminded me that to acquire the sought after revenge we have to sin. For some reason, our pride and our definition of right makes any action to lower the offender justifiable.
Shaming to replace my shame is a doomed cycle which will never truly satisfy my thirst for position. How can we get off this merry-go-round of repaying offense with vengeance in the name of fairness?
Trust is the answer. Molly needs to recognize that I am the Alpha and have her best interests. She has her position in this household because of me.
To live in today's world, I need to trust in God. He is the One who will administer proper justice to all at just the right time. Molly may follow me but does she really trust me to take care of her in all situations, even those that appear unfair?
Me to Molly: Trust me. I am your alpha dog.
Me to God: I trust you to administer your justice to all.
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