Thursday, February 27, 2020

Too Tight to Live as Wish

“Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion,”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I've always wanted a circle driveway and now I know why.

When I read this verse in The Message "vain discussion" was described as "cul-de-sacs of gossip."

I was fascinated.

I'd thought it was a positive to live on a cul-de-sac but then I never have.  I just use them to turn around when lost in a neighborhood.  My friendly official city Facebook page always reminds those who live on a cul-de-sac to avoid parking on the street as the snow plows will not be able to plow.

An article from a realtor on the internet honestly addressed the pros and cons of cul-de-sac location.  One of the cons was only one way in and out.   That made me ponder.

Gossip is a nice way to cloak judgment.  The ulterior motive of the gossiper is to look better than the gossipee. The gossiper has one way, only, to judge. The verses which precede remind that love is the source of discussion and issues from a pure heart and good conscience.

Today this verse reminds me the foundation of my discussions should be love.  Love should be a circle driveway not one way in and out.  Love gives two options, pure heart and good conscience.

We almost lived on a cul-de-sac in a house with a circle drive on Circle Street.  The price of the house was above our budget.  The price for my "circle driveway discussions" has been paid by the love and sacrifice of Jesus!

If we each resolve to let love fuel our discussions, could we get the politicians to  use the 'circle driveways of discussion"?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Do more than follow.Trust God.

“In his justice he will pay back those who persecute you.”
‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This cute fluffy pup named Molly is my dog.  She follows me.  If I leave the room, she follows me.  Even if I'm in the bathroom, she'll peak her head through the door to check on my whereabouts.  Yet she has a lesson for me and perhaps the world in which we live.

Molly and this world have a vengeance problem.

One day this week, I accidentally stepped on Molly's tail.  She was sound asleep at  my feet but I didn't notice.  She was startled and yelped.  I apologized but those words don't mean much to Molly.  Her response was to jump up and seek out the old dog she knew she could beat up.

If Molly feels her self-anointed position as "Queen" is challenged she finds a way to restore her feeling of superiority.  It always means the ancient dog will pay that price.

Today's verse made me ponder.  Do I trust God to handle fairness and justice?  Too often it seems humanity feels the need to right all wrongs, sometimes with more wrong.  When someone appears to cut in line at the post office I take a little step to establish my place.  I'm retired.  What is so important in life that I need to be second to mail my package rather than third?

My pondering search on the internet reminded me that to acquire the sought after revenge we have to sin.  For some reason, our pride and our definition of right makes any action to lower the offender justifiable.

Shaming to replace my shame is a doomed cycle which will never truly satisfy my thirst for position.  How can we get off this merry-go-round of repaying offense with vengeance in the name of fairness?

Trust is the answer. Molly needs to recognize that I am the Alpha and have her best interests. She has her position in this household because of me.

To live in today's world, I need to trust in God.  He is the One who will administer proper justice to all at just the right time.  Molly may follow me but does she really trust me to take care of her in all situations, even those that appear unfair?

Me to Molly:  Trust me.  I am your alpha dog.

Me to God: I trust you to administer your justice to all.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Imitating Just One Reaches So Many

“And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit,”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

My friend changed his address but I'll not be able to forward snail mail.  He changed his address to Heaven!

I met Buck over 25 years ago.   After our first encounter, I made this mental note: "When I'm old I  want to be like Buck."  Buck was well seasoned then. Society might have labelled him old because of the color of his hair.

Buck ignored society's judgments.  Buck was on a mission, a mission to influence the younger generations.  He mentored kids in the school system.  He was a small group leader in the church high school ministry.  He listened to young people.  I mean he intensely focused his listening. He passionately believed in the worth of each and every kid he encountered.

Buck taught me a valuable lesson in making a difference.  He wore a starfish on his sweater when we met.  It seemed a strange fashion choice.  We talked for a mere handful of minutes before he volunteered his explanation.

Thousands of starfish had washed up on a beach.  For whatever reason the starfish ended on the beach,it meant the end of their life apart from the sea.  A man was throwing starfish back into the ocean, one at a time.  An onlooker tried to point out the folly of this rescue of a fraction of the doomed starfish through  one man's throwing capacity.

As Buck told the parable he looked at me with his penetrating eyes and then looked at his own hand.  "It will make a difference to this starfish!"

Buck knew that every single kid mattered to God and he was determined to assure every single kid of their value and worth to God.

Going to the beach reminds me of Buck, starfish and making a difference. The volume of Life's problems rob us of the desire to help.  Life seems futile.  The needs are overwhelmingly great.  Buck taught me to reach out to just one at a time. It will make a difference to this one.  Buck was just one man but he influenced hundreds of young people during his earthly life, one starfish at a time.
Thanks Buck for challenging me to make a difference to those who happen upon the "beach" I walk.   I'm not responsible for all, just help one "starfish" at a time.

When I become well seasoned, I want to be like Buck.

B e
U nwavering in
C ommitment to
K ids

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Use “Tools” that Will Change Lives

“This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

These tools changed my life!  When I learned the rotary cutting method I be came an addict to quilting.  I'd dabbled in quilting.  Using my own method I created some primitive versions of quilts. Precise measuring and cutting produced better finished products.  As I've practiced the techniques, my quilts, to my amazement, come out the right size!

Tools are designed to change our lives, hopefully for the better.  Every TV commercial sells us the latest and greatest aid to better living   Commercialism preaches better living.

Today, Colossians 1: 6 reminds me that lives, mine and others, are to be changed, not for the better, but for the Best.

The Good News is the Best News. It not only betters lives, it saves lives. The Good News that Jesus loves us and has provided the opportunity to have a relationship with the everlasting and everloving God is truly life changing.

Paul reminds the Colossians they are tools and they have been  given tools to be tools   Word of their faith in Jesus and love for all God's people has been obvious.  The source of their love ad faith is their confident hope of their ultimate future destination, Heaven.(See verses 3-5 in chapter 1.)

So today, take inventory of your spiritual tool bag.  Is your faith in Jesus apparent to others?  Have you loved on someone in Jesus' Name? Be a "Tool" for Jesus... It will changes lives for the Best!