Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pursue the world,Lose The Splendor

“All the splendor has departed from Daughter Zion. Her princes are like deer that find no pasture; in weakness they have fled before the pursuer.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I thought  it would be cool.  And yet, I was interrupting the splendor. 

Our friends had gathered at the shore to share a fire and sunset.  My phone was busy.  Dozens of photos attempting to capture the splendor.

I tried the "trick" shot.  My hand seems to hold the sun.  Rather than enjoy the sun, all I notice is that really old hand in the front of the scene.

Lamentations 1:6 peaks my interest in the whole book.  This verse does not inspire me on its own.  The book of Lamentations reveals the suffering of the Israelites when their beloved city of Jerusalem was destroyed.  These poems lay bare the cause of the suffering, their sin, and the effect of that sin before the people and God. 

It could be a discouraging read, and yet gems of encouragement pop off the written page.   The familiar verses in chapter 3,verses 22-23, gave the basis for the popular hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness".  (I just read the lyrics were composed just a few miles from my home!)

Another gem in chapter 5,verse 19 with two words encourage me.  "And yet.." (in The Message:  "And yet, God, you're sovereign still, your throne intact and eternal.")  In spite of our circumstances, our sin and resulting consequences, God is sovereign still.  God, in all His splendor, will stand.  God is the foundation.  God is in control.  It is not our job to improve the presentation of God's sovereignty.

I need the reminder: in spite of my failures and sin, God is sovereign, intact and eternal. Regardless of the world's attempts to sell us cheap imitations, I need to rest and relish His splendor and sovereignty.

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