Wednesday, January 16, 2019

To Survive Life, Remember Wisdom Nuggets

Proverbs 1:6
...for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise."

Today would have been my mom's 85th birthday.  I can hardly imagine what she would have been like since she left us at age 61.  She would have understood my desire for crazy colored hair since she advised me as a youth, "If you've got it, flaunt it."

My mom left me with lots of artifacts that I treasure, too many as the recent move reminded me. Today I realize the real treasures are her bits of wisdom to survive life.  I think of them as "Lizzisms".  I apparently use her nuggets of advice often.  Just the other day, a dining companion asked me for  some advice. As I started with one of my favorite Lizzisms, my companion got excited.  She wished she'd met the wise Lizzie she'd heard so often quoted.

My mom's advice shaped my ability to cope with life, after the scriptures, of course.  Somehow she'd developed a perspective that helped a teenage drama queen survive into well seasoned adulthood.  

When Life gives me lemons (or those circumstances so not of my choosing), I recall  her asking the very young Me, "In the span of eternity, how important will...?"  Gosh when you honestly put most daily challenges against eternity, they seem a bit more manageable.

During one of her bigger challenges, cancer, she gave me similar nugget of wisdom.  Many people would ask "Why me?" in the same situation.  Lizzie chose the "Why not me"  approach.  Mom showed me not to get too involved in  my self-importance and to think that bad things shouldn't, wouldn't or couldn't happen to me. 

Lizzisms distill the swirl of emotions and reactions to Life events and help me navigate.  Proverbs 1:6 reminds me that no matter how old and wise I think I am, Life will continue to challenge.  It's a good idea to  increase my wisdom, to lean not my own understanding, but to use other wise predecessors,  like the scriptures and occasionally Lizzie.
Happy Birthday Mom!

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