Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ask: Why am I doing that?

I Kings 1:6
"Now his father, King David, had never disciplined him at any time, even by asking, "Why are you doing that?"  Adonijah had been born next after Absalom, and he was very handsome." NLT  

Ask: Why Am I Doing That?

"It's a good thing you're cute."  I say this often to Mickey, the male member of our dog trio.  It took me a couple of years to realize how Mickey's cuteness had undermined by management of our dog pack.

Occasionally I have to intervene in a scuffle between the two females.  I've always blamed Molly as she is demanding and possessive, but also cute.  Over time I've discovered the real instigator, my cute boy Mickey.  He incites Molly's jealous streak and sits back innocently watching while I stop the "fur from flying." Now I watch Mickey to stop him before the scuffle gets started.

I Kings 1:6 gives us insight into why some handsome boys grew up to incite rebellion.  As an adult Adonijah gathered the chariots and forces to act as king.  Again, King David ignored this behavior.  Adonijah took David's nonintervention as consent.  Ignoring a problem won't resolve the issue, only lead to more problems.

Maybe Adonijah was so cute that David couldn't discipline him as a child; maybe David didn't care enough for Adonijah.  In hindsight, we can see that David's ignorance led to more than one sad episode in family dysfunction.

Now I know about cute Mickey and I keep an eye  on him.  I watch for his initial actions to incite chaos.  If I can get him under control, I minimize the scuffle.

I Kings 1:6 teaches me about more than childhood discipline and dog behavior.  I ponder what "childish" self indulgent habits I practice that keep me from a fuller relationship with God.  My actions today will affect my relationships and my future.  I Kings 1:6 inspires me to first ask "Why am I doing that?"

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