Sunday, December 30, 2018

Be A Part of God's Work

Ezra 1:6

"And all the Jewish exiles who chose to remain in Persia gave whatever assistance they could, as well as gifts for the Temple."  The Living Bible

The Lord used King Cyrus of Persia, in the first year of his reign, to fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy to return the Israelites living in exile to Jerusalem and The Temple. He gave the opportunity of resettlement to the Israelites.  Any who choose to remain in his kingdom were given the opportunity to give goods and finance to support the rebuilding of the city and temple. The first chapter of Ezra reminds me that I have the God-given opportunity to participate in God's work.

First, recognize what God is doing.  We had a small "windfall" in our finances.  We could spend it on our current needs ten times over.  Dick felt God was calling us to give it away.  We'd discussed several options.  Then we ventured to a new community and knew exactly God's plan for our windfall.

Acknowledge our responsibility.  Cyrus acknowledged it was God who gave him the vast empire and thereafter had a responsibility.   It may not be a financial gift.  Sometimes those gifts are the easy gifts.  Recently I've had the opportunity to give from my daily life so others would find God's work in their own community. Many are puzzled by our lifestyle but it's what God has asked from us and fortunately we have seen the "fruits".

Do it.  Don't wait, ponder or consider.  When you know it's God calling do it!  I don't like to live with regret.  So when I know it's God calling, I've learned I'll be more comfortable and satisfied later in life if I've given when the opportunity is presented.   The day at the new community we couldn't wait to get in the car to discuss the destination of "the windfall."  We issued checks later that day!

Share the opportunity with others so they can participate in God's work.  This is my fourth step for a selfish reason.  Too often, I think: "here's a need. If I get enough others to give, then I won't have to make the sacrifice."  Like I said, I don't like regret.  I make sure I've fulfilled my commitment to the need before I share it with others.  This principle keeps my "head straight."

Keep a record to rejoice later.  This is my reward.  I enjoyed perusing my  photos.  These may not mean anything to you but each photo brings me satisfaction, sense of belonging and joy.


What might God be calling you to do today? Respond and Enjoy!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Give God Glory for the Milestones

2 Chronicles 1:6- "...Solomon sacrificed 1000 burnt offerings to the Lord."

"I'm glad to be here!"  For the past 16 years this is my answer  to the query "What are you grateful for?"  It was my answer this year in Round 1 of the Grateful questions.  My four year granddaughter liked the pre-Thanksgiving dinner activity that we did it five times!  It was refreshing to be challenged to come up with not just one grateful thought but five, and you couldn't repeat according to the four year old's rules.

My answer is well used.  I'm a cancer survivor so especially at holidays and anniversaries, I'm really glad to still be here!  I commemorate each year with a photo showing the number of years.  The year I needed a third hand to show the years, my friends from high school gathered in the Lake of the Ozarks with matching Tshirts, memories and my first pedicure! This year I was in Montpelier, Idaho and Paris, Utah on a family outing. 

I regularly post the celebration on Facebook but maybe I'm not thorough in giving God the credit for the gift of the past year's existence.  The verse in 2 Chronicles reminded me I'm glad to here today, in this minute and God made it possible!

Solomon had achieved his goals.  The preceding verses tell me Solomon was the undisputed ruler of Israel.  His family history was full of family drama and rebellion, the stuff soap operas are based.  Solomon had established his kingdom because the Lord had made him exceedingly great.

At this pinnacle of life and career, Solomon gathered the military leaders, judges, political leaders and priests to join him his celebration.  They met in Gibeon, a historically significant location for Israel's relationship with God, and he sacrificed 1000 burnt offerings. 

1000 burnt offerings was a great celebration, bigger than pink T-shirts or raspberry shakes. The Recipient of the gratefulness is the same and greater still. 

2 Chronicles 1:6 reminds me that God has established:
my "kingdom"
my life
my family
my days
my moments.

God, I'm glad to be here.  Thanks a bunch.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Determine Value The Blue Chair Way

1 Chronicles1:6 - "...the sons of Gomer, Ashkenaz, Diphath and Togarmah"

"19 cents!"  The price of a gallon of gasoline when I learned to drive.  (Yes,  I am that old, that's why I have recently retired.)  In those days the best place to buy gas was named "Gomer's".  Now that I live in the same metropolitan area, I need to drive by Gomer's and see how it looks all these years later.

I remember my inflated pride, insisting I pay for my own gas.  I don't recall my parents insisting.  I believe they would have given me gas money if I'd asked.  Instead, I felt more grown up paying my own way, in 19 cents a gallon increments.  Perhaps I thought others would see my value as an adult when I shopped and paid for my own gas.

I've spent the last several months wrestling with determining value.  Early this year, I made the decision to retire from my job.  My husband and I decided to relocate near family so we embarked on an adventure to downsize.  Yikes, what an ordeal and a lifetime of lessons!

Here's just one of the lessons I learned from our adventure.  Who determines value?

I needed to find new homes for most of our furniture.  It was a hodge-podge collection of hand-me-downs and treasures I'd picked from the curbs of strangers.  I had a bit of emotional attachment to each one.  To display my valued treasures I created a Facebook page.  To my surprise many of my valued possession found new homes. 

Yet my grandmother's chairs never found a new home.  I loved the round tufted backs.  I loved the fabric which I'd had them reupholstered.  I presented them with a great price, so I thought.  Unfortunately,  even when offered up for "free", no new home was found.

I negotiated  with my husband to get them a spot on the moving list. They made the first move to the temporary apartment.  Then I saw my beloved chairs in new light, literally.  The new location of the chairs had much better light. I saw they were worn and shabby.  The dogs claimed them as their own.  I didn't fight too hard to reclaim them as I realized they were not that comfortable.

My husband breathed a sigh of relief when I announced "The blue chairs are not making the trip."  Instead, a friend delivered them to a thrift shop.

The blue chairs remind me that sometimes we value through distorted memory.  Too often our memory and emotions don't consider the reality.  I had to move those chairs to a new situation, with better light, to see their true condition and potential. 

Hallelujah, God not only sees our value and condition but He also overlooks our condition and He determines our value.  He chose us in spite of value and condition. No matter how adult I act or look or how proud I am of my independence, God sees my worth in His eyes and gives me my potential and purpose.  The blue chairs taught me not to value worth with emotion or the opinion of others but to look to God, and God alone, for worth.

Determine value the blue chair way.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Don't Ask Everybody Else, Ask God

2 Kings 1:6
A man came up to us" they said "and told us to go back o tthe king and tell him, ' The Lord wants to know why you are asking questions of Baal-bezbub, the god of Ekron.  Is it because there is no God in Israel?  Now since you have done this you will not leave the bed you are lying on; you will surely die."

Don't Ask Everybody Else, Ask God.

If you're lost, in a dispute, or curious, where do you get your answer?  Our culture has changed in my lifetime.  As a child the answers came from World Book, the multivolume encyclopedia.  Today, it's Siri.

It breaks my heart to think that my beloved World Books  will end  up in a dump somewhere because they are obsolete.  No one wants them, even if they are free.  I'll check Pinterest for craft ideas or perhaps I'll ask Siri (the magic all knowing voice of my smart phone).

I've lost my trust in Siri. Siri has failed me when I most needed him. (I changed the voice to a gentlemen Brit.)  I was in the Dallas airport in my rental car and needed directions to a hotel.  I could not convince Siri I was in Dallas, not Lubbock!  My friend had to stay on the phone call and talk me through the city streets.

King Ahazariah fell off a porch and was laid up in bed pondering life.  He was worried he would not recover.  He sent a delegation to inquire of Baal-bezbub, the god of the locals.  God intercepted the delegation and gave them the answer to Ahazariah's query.  News he didn't want to hear.
We humans have the same tendency.  We know the answer but won't accept it.  So we try asking others who may give us the answer our ears want to hear. 

God is to be trusted.  He knows everything and He Loves me.  Why should I seek answers and wisdom elsewhere?  God is everlasting, unlike the World Book.  I may not get the answer I want to hear but I know God will be with me through the answer. 

Worried? Ask the trusted, eternal God.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ask: Why am I doing that?

I Kings 1:6
"Now his father, King David, had never disciplined him at any time, even by asking, "Why are you doing that?"  Adonijah had been born next after Absalom, and he was very handsome." NLT  

Ask: Why Am I Doing That?

"It's a good thing you're cute."  I say this often to Mickey, the male member of our dog trio.  It took me a couple of years to realize how Mickey's cuteness had undermined by management of our dog pack.

Occasionally I have to intervene in a scuffle between the two females.  I've always blamed Molly as she is demanding and possessive, but also cute.  Over time I've discovered the real instigator, my cute boy Mickey.  He incites Molly's jealous streak and sits back innocently watching while I stop the "fur from flying." Now I watch Mickey to stop him before the scuffle gets started.

I Kings 1:6 gives us insight into why some handsome boys grew up to incite rebellion.  As an adult Adonijah gathered the chariots and forces to act as king.  Again, King David ignored this behavior.  Adonijah took David's nonintervention as consent.  Ignoring a problem won't resolve the issue, only lead to more problems.

Maybe Adonijah was so cute that David couldn't discipline him as a child; maybe David didn't care enough for Adonijah.  In hindsight, we can see that David's ignorance led to more than one sad episode in family dysfunction.

Now I know about cute Mickey and I keep an eye  on him.  I watch for his initial actions to incite chaos.  If I can get him under control, I minimize the scuffle.

I Kings 1:6 teaches me about more than childhood discipline and dog behavior.  I ponder what "childish" self indulgent habits I practice that keep me from a fuller relationship with God.  My actions today will affect my relationships and my future.  I Kings 1:6 inspires me to first ask "Why am I doing that?"

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

First ask God, then take action

2 Samuel 1: 6
"And the young man who told him said, "By chance I happened to be on Mount Gilboa, and there saw Saul leaning on his spear, and behold, the chariots and the horsemen were close upon him." ESV

First ask God, then take action

The ancient dachshund perked up her head and ran into the kitchen.  She usually feigned deafness, her show of keen hearing caught our attention.   We hadn't heard anything. We quickly followed her.
The old dog heard the top two layers of the three layer birthday cake hit the kitchen floor.  We had gathered at my parents' home to celebrate the birthday of our newest family member, my fiancée Dick.  My mother knew he liked frosting on his cake.  We never had frosting.  We ate the cake warm and naked fresh from the  oven. 

To honor Dick, mother made a three layer cake from scratch with frosting. Unfortunately, she hadn't let the layers of cake cool enough before administering the frosting.  We were quicker to the cake than the old dog and salvaged what we could of the cake.

Mother had the best intentions but didn't know the rules of cake frosting.

2 Samuel begins with a young man appearing before David to deliver what he thought would be good news.  The young  man brought confirmation of the death of Saul.  He was at Saul's death. He admitted to killing Saul.  He didn't think Saul had a chance to survive his wounds and the approaching soldiers.  So he finished him off, gathers up Saul's crown and armlet, and journeyed to tell David.

The young man  probably expected a reward.  Saul had been tormenting David, chasing him with intent to kill  him.  The young man didn't realize that David followed a principle.  David would not be the one to kill the anointed king.  On more than one occasion, David had the opportunity to end Saul's life and become the next king as he knew he was destined.  Yet each time,  he realized he was not to attack God's chosen king.  God had  a plan. David knew to trust the plan, even when he only knew part of the plan.

Sometimes in life, opportunities seem too good to be true.  We convince ourselves that it's part of the plan even when some basic  principles need to be ignored.  Our society tries to teach us that the "ends justify the means."  God knows our heart, our intent, our true motive.  Too often our true motive is our gain, not adhering to His Plan.

The only way to adhere to His Plan is to ask God first, then take action.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

God fulfills mission in His Time

1 Samuel 1: 6
"And her rival used to provoke her grievously to irritate her, because the Lord had closed her womb." ESV

God fulfills mission in His Time

"It's not time yet."  I start almost every morning murmuring, then declaring these words.  My annoying little pack leader thinks the dogs need to eat at 3:30 am.  So she paws at my bed.  When I don't respond appropriately she lets me fall back asleep for about one minute and then wakes me up.  I fight her timing  but will admit that I get a lot done with the early start to my day.

Today's verse in my blog series, The Sixes- a six word learning from the 6th verse of each of the 66 books of the Bible, comes from the story of Hannah.  Hannah wanted children desperately.  Her husband's other wife had lots of sons and daughters and her pride in fertility provoked Hannah.  Hannah's husband demonstrated his love for her despite the situation.   Hannah ended up in the temple in intense prayer.  So fervent was her prayer that the priest, Eli, thought her drunk.  When he heard her story, God used Eli to tell Hannah that He would indeed answer her prayer, at just the right time.

It wasn't time yet.  Hannah was to be Samuel's mother.  Samuel  was to be the spiritual leader of the Israelites as they transitioned from the time of judges to the kingdom.  He anointed the first king.

I've lived in the confines of time long enough to have heard "It's not time yet."  Most times I challenge the restriction because I always like my plan better. Yet I've  learned there are times I benefit from "it's not time yet."  When my mom was 45 years old she heard the dreaded words  breast cancer.  I didn't know it at that time but God said "it's not time yet."  We had 16 years with  her before the disease finished her.  In hindsight, I like to think she hadn't finished raising us and we needed more of her influence.  God's timeline gave us those 16 years.

Time has taught me to trust His mastery of time.  When I don't agree, discuss it with the Lord. He will give me the plan if I'll listen and trust Him.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Never to far for God's calling

Ruth 1: 6
"Then she arose with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the Lord had visited His people and given them food." ESV

Never too far for God's calling.

"Now..... I'll get the hot dogs out."  I use the command "Now" sparingly.  It was supposed to be the emergency recall word so my dogs would immediately come to me.  To entice their obedience they receive a piece of hot dog when they come. When the three of them are barking, usually the Now command breaks through the noise.  Often they are slow to respond. Initially they choose barking. The follow up with "hot dogs" usually completes their decision that hot dogs are better than barking.

Naomi and her family had moved to Moab because of the famine in their land.  Moabites did not worship God.  Naomi's family lived in Moab long enough to settle in as part of the community.  Her two sons married local girls.  Unfortunately, Naomi's husband and both sons died leaving the women on their own.

In the midst of a pagan  land, "in the fields of Moab", Naomi heard that God had blessed His people with an end to their famine.  So, after years living in Moab, she decided to head home.  "In fields of Moab" makes me think that God's work was the talk of the town.  His provision of food for His people would have been on the 6 o'clock news (if they'd had news broadcasts in those days).

Ruth 1:6 reminds me that I am never too far away or in the midst of so much of the noisy world, that I can't hear of God's work and choose to go to Him.  Just yesterday at work, as the tense situation concluded, the gentleman shook my hand and said "God bless you."  I was surprised but enjoyed the blessing.

This verse reminds me that God uses the invitation "Come Now" often and His blessings, when I choose to respond, are more enjoyable and enduring than hot dogs.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Just one will have future effect

Judges 1:6
"Adoni-bezek fled, but they pursued him and caught him and cut off his thumbs and his big toes."

Just one will have future effect

"If you sit in the Splash  Zone, you Will Get Wet!"  We made our choice to not sit in the Splash  Zone.  We had planned a long day at the park and did not want to spend the entire day wet.  In our younger days, we arrived at these shows early enough to get prime seats in the wet zone.  Some people buy and wear protective gear to lessen the effect of all that splash.

The Israelites were beginning their conquest of the Promised Land. Part of the plan was to eliminate the current inhabitants.  King Adon-bezek thought he could outrun the plan of the Lord.  When he was captured and punishment administered, he reflected on his life.  He'd done the same to 70 other kings.

This episode reminds me of the law of cause and effect.  There will be consequences to my actions.  I chose how I act.  The Splash Zone reminds that too often  I try to see how close I can get to the danger with minimal effect.  In today's world we are tempted to come a little closer... just have one donut today, just skip one day of exercise, just skip one day of devotional reading. 

It may seem like "just one" doesn't matter in the long run, but toes and thumbs are really important to a normal life.  I may not like the look of my big toes but when one toe is in pain, walking is extremely difficult. Amazing how such a small, insufficient digit can affect my navigation through life. 

I thought about skipping this verse.  It would just be one  day.  I made up this challenge.  But thumbs and toes remind me:

Just one will have future effect.

Now I have to decide if I'm eating that donut that came out of my freezer.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Be A Wonderful Leader For Others

Joshua 1:6
"Be strong and brave for you will be a wonderful leader of My people and they shall conquer all the land I promised to their ancestors." New Living Bible 
Be  a wonderful leader for others.

"She's surveying her domain."  This little dog thinks she's the pack leader.  She tells us (me and the other two dogs) when to get up and when to eat.   She defends her yard, behind the safety of the fence, from other dogs, humans and squirrels.  We call her the "feisty badger" because she fights back when the other two dogs pick on her. 

Why does this pint size dog believe she is the leader? 
§  She is persistent ( I actually call her annoying.  She will not give up.) 
§  She is confident. (Why else would she bark at the dog who outweighs her by ten times?)
§  She trusts in the authority of her human, Dick.  (When she feels unsafe, she wedges herself between him and the arm of the chair.  Only in that position will she allow him to be her protector.)
§  She believes her leadership will benefit her family.

Moses had died.  Joshua was the appointed leader.  He was to lead the conquest of the Promised Land.  This was it, the ultimate mission.  I imagine Joshua looking toward the long awaited home of  his people.  It had been a journey of many generations.  Perhaps he was overwhelmed or too excited to think.  There were still unknowns, still people to drive away, battles to win, giants to defeat.

God tells him to be strong and brave.  Logical words.  The surprise words in this verse were "you will be a wonderful leader."  Joshua may have had some human doubts but God tells him he will be a wonderful leader.  Those words would motivate me! 

God has given each of us our own little "pack" of people to influence.  We are left here with a mission to be a wonderful leader.  Where are we leading these people?  To God and His saving grace.  Aren't we glad God delivered and delivers us?  We tell others so they can join us.

To be that "wonderful leader"  I will
§  be persistent, in a non-annoying way
§  be confident, because God believes in me
§  trust the Creator of the Universe and My Deliverer (Why would I come up with a better  plan than God?)
§  benefit others, not just myself.(That's what will separate me from the world. Others will benefit, not just me.)

Friday, April 6, 2018

When,Where, Who, What,Why,Trust

Deuteronomy 1:6

"It was 40 years ago, at Mount Horeb, that Jehovah our God told us "You have stayed long enough."

"That's me."  The older man positioned me in front of the old photograph.  It was an evening in October of 1974.  It was "meet the family night."  I was newly engaged. My future mother-in-law planned a family dinner to get acquainted.  The most vivid memory of the evening was my husband's paternal grandfather.  I'd heard the stories of his youthful athletics, his job as a candy maker, his love for large dogs and how he led the men of the family into spirited, loud discussions on trivial subjects (that evening the discussion centered on the best clam chowder).

This night I learned about the character of Sipe men.  Grandma and Grandpa had recently changed their living arrangements.  They'd been living apart and hadn't seen each other for a few weeks.  Both were polite and interested in meeting me but they had "eyes for each other." They spent most of the evening on the couch holding hands and talking.

The character of a Sipe man, which I learned that night and saw demonstrated through the men who followed Fred Sipe, is that he thinks his wife is the  most important woman to walk the face of the earth.  Throughout my forty plus years with a Sipe man, I have never doubted that I am loved.  My husband learned it from his father who learned it from his father.

The sixth verse of Deuteronomy should please English teachers. It has the classic format of "When, Where, Who, What, Why."  It's the opening of Moses' speech to the Israelites.  Reflecting on the past is helpful before a time of change or beginning of a journey.  Moses prepares the people for the next season of their journey with a history lesson.  The purpose of the recounting of historical facts was to assure the people of God's deliverance, leading and love.  God was faithful in the past, He would be with them in their next season.

Deuteronomy is one of my favorite books.  It reminds me of the foundation of my relationship with God.  God loves me.  It's amazing to me that God puts up with the Israelites whining, complaining, doubting and disobeying (characteristics I too often display).  For reasons only God knows, He chose the Israelites and "only has eyes for them". 

What response should come from the Israelites?  And from me?  Trust.  God has been with me in my past journey( history and His character have shown me) and He will be with me, and you, in the future. 

As the challenges of my life come, my assurance rests in

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Counting Builds My Faith in God

Numbers 1:6
"from the tribe of Simeon, Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai;"

"Gather around behind us and look like a large group."  We were in an overseas country dealing with an airline.  Apparently the airline was not going to honor the tickets I held in my hand.  The other co-leader and I hadn't been able to secure our passage so we decided to  show our numbers.  We thought 16 women would be intimidating, a force to be reckoned, or at least convincing.

It didn't work.  After presenting our case to yet another supervisor, I turned to leave the counter and looked at our "force".  I saw 14 women who'd been traveling for 10 days, up since before dawn and one-third of the "force" spending most of their time ill in the facilities.

God did not leave us alone in that faraway land.  Our ragged group  needed two days of relaxation at our travel agent's expense!.  We enjoyed the hospitality of the locale.

When I made up my challenge of "The Sixes"  Numbers 1:6 was my concern.  After all Numbers is notorious for boring reading.  Most Bible readers skip or at least skim through the first half off the book.  It's name says it all.  It's about numbers!

I read the context of the verse.  The Lord had  instructed Moses to take a census of the available men to fight a war and He named the men who were to assist with the counting.  Shelumiel would represent the tribe of Simeon.

God didn't need the count.  He knew exactly how many fighting men were available and the number of the hairs on each of their heads.  The people needed to know God had a plan.  God knows sometimes numbers will help us trust Him more.  Too often we trust in the numbers when we need to remember that it's God in whom we trust.  He will use the numbers to accomplish His plan.

Rather than put my trust in the number of ideas, options, people or dollars I possess, I should trust in the number of times God has delivered in the past, the countless blessings present each day and the eternal promises God will fulfill in the future.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sacrifice Pride for a Fuller Ministry

Leviticus 1:6
"Then the priests will skin the animal and quarter it."  The New Living Bible

Our friend, the professional painter, was very gracious after he prepped the bathroom wall.  He didn't judge my work.  He did what is his expertise.

I was creating my she-sanctuary bathroom.  I wanted it to be all mine.  After weeks of sanding wallpaper glue, my husband reached out to our friend.  My husband knew I needed help in the form of a professional.  He knew my pride would drastically slow the completion of the makeover.

(In addition, I'm a terrible painter.  My friends put me in charge of procurement on our makeover projects.   I get sent out for food and supplies when I get near a paintbrush! What made  me think I could do this on my own?  The Lord provided a friend, who loves to  paint, the week I scheduled to paint my she-sanctuary bathroom.  Thanks Dawn.)

I thought of my pride in my project when I read the sixth verse of Leviticus.  This verse is part of the  instructions for sacrifice, something our modern brains really can't comprehend.  Today I relate the sacrificial instruction to my ministry. 

The instructions include criteria for choosing the animal, the purpose of the sacrifice, the completion of the sacrifice and distribution of the sacrifice.

Those priests worked with the  animal sacrifices on a daily basis.  They knew what to do.  Why would the individual on an annual visit to the temple try to handle it?

In spiritual matters, there are  plenty of people with more experience and expertise than me.  Do I go to them for advise and/or assistance? 

Some of my ministry is an offering of thanks to God.  Some of what I do is offering to do for God, to be a witness or servant to others.  This verse reminds me my ministry can't be about pride.  I don't own my ministry.  It's an opportunity from God to experience a fuller life.  It's my opportunity to know and depend on  God. My pride will diminish the benefit.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

God's Plan is Greater Than Generations

Exodus 1:6 "In due season Joseph and each of his brothers died, ending that generation."  The New Living Bible.


"Ah, Pink?"  My wrist snapped and the thimble of water emptied on my friend's face.  I was teaching new friends a family game of "Colors."  My great aunts (the Loves) taught me the game as a small child. 

Exodus 1:6 may seem like an ending but it has promise.  The next verse in many translations starts with a "but" or "meanwhile".  God has lots more to teach the Israelites, after all Exodus is at the beginning of the Bible.

Too often we judge His work and plan through the restriction of our understanding of time. We become discouraged when we think God doesn't deliver when we think it's time.  But God is greater than time.  He invented time.  My favorite word in this verse and in this translation is due.  "Due" tells me to relax.  God has a Plan.  There is a timeline in His Hands.  God is in Control, despite the way it looks to me.

I'm sure of one aspect of God's Plan.  It's Love,  showing His Love to me, and you, and teaching me to love.  (My branch of the Love Family has ended on earth but God's Love will continue through and past all generations.)

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Sixes - Genesis

Genesis 1:6

I'm celebrating today!  Yesterday I accomplished a goal.  I fulfilled a challenge of posting a Lenten thought for 40 days.  I'm not sure I've ever fulfilled a goal for Lent.

I enjoyed it.  Each night I looked up the next word and "slept" on it.  I was eager to arise in the morning and post my little "aha" thought.  So I've been searching for another similar challenge.

A writer website issued a 6 word memoir challenge to become a precise writer.   I believe the Bible to have daily wisdom for me, and you, in each and every verse.  So I've designed a new quest... a 6 word learning from the 6th verse of each of the 66 books of the Bible.  It will be "Sixes gone wild!" or "Sixes go wise!"

Feel free to join me on my quest!  Leave a comment or post your 6 word thought for the day.

Day 1 - Genesis 1:6

"And God said, " Let the vapors separate to form the sky above and the ocean below." The Living Bible


In a sense on the second day of creation, God created Up and Down, Sky and Ocean.  In my world of Ups and Downs, I need a God whose love for me, and you,  is Deep and Wide.

Monday, January 15, 2018


"I've come for Jan's help." A tingle of fear went through my mind.  I'm the first wave of computer support at the office.  I have no official training.  But I'm gotten myself in trouble enough and remember a few of the solutions the professionals have used to remedy my calamities. That frisson of fear reminded me, I am merely a puny human.
"A November Iowa Sunset. The road looked puny compared to the sunset."

Psalm 9 reminds me of my place in the world: I am not God.  God is The One who defeats enemies, rescues me, delivers me, rebukes me for my own good, judges the wicked, and me, avenges injustice and vindicates the wrong.

Psalm 9 reminds me of my purpose in the world:  to publicly praise God with all of my heart. It seems so simple.  God is God and is more than able to handle the world.  Yet, I, and we, mere humans, think we can be victors, heroes, judges and avengers. 

We want to be superheroes among the mortals.  The final verse  of this Psalm makes it plain to which group we belong.  I checked several translations.  The final words of the Psalm were "merely human", "only mortal", "only human", "mere mortals", "are men", "only men", and my personal favorite "puny men."

I realize the last verse refers to contentious nations rebelling against God. If I'm honest with myself, I am guilty of being like those prideful nations, thinking I can control my life and destiny.  Too often I dig my own pits and fall in. (see verse 11)  Rarely do I set traps for others but I certainly try to protect, control and defend myself.  I'd like to think "I'd never do that" but  too often I fail at the very thing I'm judging another.

I did fix my coworker's issue with a disclaimer, "I can't do everything." Perhaps we need to embrace our "puniness."  After all, God is able, more able than our mortal minds can comprehend.  Who is better equipped?  Certainly not the mere humans.

Let's redefine puny.  Take away the negative connotation.  Adopt  PUNY as a guide for life.

P rotected and provided by God, not me.
U nder God's Plan, not mine (because I fall into the pits of my own design!)
N ot God, plain and simple (He is The Superhero who can do anything and everything.)
Y et loved, in spite of my refusal to accept my puniness. 

Hallelujah!  I will take the pledge of Puniness knowing that I will occasionally fall into a pit.  Yet God, this One and Only Amazing God is faithful.  He will gather this "puny self" up, dust me off and give me one more chance to discover the incredible life He has planned.

Monday, January 1, 2018

what if?

”give us senior citizens something free and we go crazy!”

I’d posted my Happy New Year message on Facebook with a short video. My friend commented that it sounded like I celebrated with a gaggle of geese. Actually it was a restaurant full of happy adults with free horns! They tooted through the entire 8 minutes of fireworks. (You’re glad I only posted 21 second but I have the whole 7+ minutes if you’re interested,)

My friend’s comment came to mind when I read my first assignment for the 2018 daily bible reading challenge.  Genesis 1-3 tells of  God’s work and provision for you and me. He created the world and everything we need. He also gave us the double edged gift of choice. We can choose good or evil, trouble or peace, God or self.

Adam and Eve listened to the serpent and their selfish desires.  After their choice to disobey they heard God coming. So they hid from the Giver of Life.

What if they’d remembered all the Giver had freely provided? What if they’d listened to their praise?

What if I would use praise in the challenging circumstances to combat temptations and feelings of defeat?

What if I could not be like Adam and Eve and praise God for what He has already done for me, in the past, present and into the future rather than thinking “why me?” Or “why not?”

What if, rather than hiding from God, who gave me all I ever need, I was like the revelers
with free horns and toot for joy for the whole 8 minutes?

What if we make 2018 the year of listening to God, not running and hiding, but praising Him for His Gifts?