Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Secret of Three Dots

Once upon a time there were three little dots.  \ No one knows their origin.  Only mathematics types use the dots on a regular basis.  I've always enjoyed using the three little dots.  They introduce the final answer.  They are the drum roll before the big unveiling.   Now I know why I've been attracted to the three little dots. 

"Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I appeal to you on the basis of love..."  Philemon 8-9a NIV
OR in my journal I wrote these verses as
\ I could be bold in Christ and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I appeal to you on the basis of love.

I've always enjoyed using the "therefore" symbol I'd learned in a math class as a child.  Math gave clear and definite, "black and white" answers in a world that taught there were no right answers.

Therefore means for that reason, because of that, on that ground, to that end.  (Merriam-Webster's online dictionary.)  Therefore in these one and one-half  verses is the prelude to  God's final answer to "How should I live in today's world?"

Remember, I heard that the letter to Philemon had a message that could change the world.  Here it is:  Make love the basis of life.

This is revolutionary in a world based on economics.  We judge by numbers so we strive to build more of everything material.  In the preceding verses Paul has expressed his appreciation for his friends, he's prayed the best on his friends and he inspired them to live according to God's way.  In worldly thinking he is building his case, amassing the evidence, compiling his numbers. 

The final answer  is a total surprise.  It is not the answer the worldly types would expect.  Worldly types might interpret Paul's preceding expressions as "Philemon, you owe me".  Yet the big surprise is what rocks our world.  Paul rejects the "you owe me" and concludes by asking Philemon to live by the rule of love.

Two worlds collide in this verse and one-half.  One world is guided by who  has the most, keeping track of favors, while the other world is based on relationship, with each other and with God and love is the key ingredient.
\ we think we prove, deserve, earn, expect but instead we should go against the world and let love inspire us and influence our friends.  What if we lived out our relationships on the basis of love, Love of others, Love of good, Love of God?

The three little dots inspire me to live life based on what God has done: loved us beyond measure.  After all, "...the love." (I Corinthians 13:13)  and "Love never fails." (I Corinthians 13:8)
Now I know why I've always liked those three  little dots. They remind  me of the real answer as to how to live in this world.  Live life with love as the goal, the prize, the final answer.
Suppose it's a coincidence that the symbol used to introduce the final answer to life is a triangle of dots, kind of like how you often see the Triune God sketched during a bible lesson.  Hmmmm.  Maybe I know the origin of the symbol... just thinking.

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