Friday, December 2, 2016


"How has God worked in your life this week?"  Nearly every week our small group leader asks and too often several moments of silence follow.  It takes a while for us to get into thinking about God's accomplishments rather than our own achievements.  After all, we live in a world that encourages us to do it all, handle it, take credit and pride in accomplishment.

I have pondered Micah chapter 3  for several days.  Micah delivers specific admonitions to the  leaders and the people.  The powerful had taken from the powerless and God knew.  Yet the self-proclaimed powerful replied, "It's all good.  God will take care of us."  (That's my translation,)

Now that's an overly proud response.  In the face of God's justice, delivered by a prophet, the leaders spin it back to God's mercy and protection.  They want to continue to take credit and blessings from God without any of the commitment of relationship.

I read Micah's message was heard and received by King Hezekiah.  His story is in 2 Chronicles 29-32.  Hezekiah gets the designation of one of the few good kings.  He got right with the Lord by reopening and repairing the doors of The Temple.  He resolved to follow the covenant with God.  He recruited Levites to clean up The Temple and report back to him.  He invested himself in the revival by going himself to The Temple for sacrifice and offering.  He organized a praise team.  This revival prepared him to depend on God in the face of his enemies and to lead the people to trust God for their deliverance from the Assyrians (the scary "motorcycle" gang of the Old Testament as a friend once described them).

Hezekiah became so immensely respected among the nations that he lost focus.  When he became deathly ill, he prayed to the Lord who responded with a miracle.  But Hezekiah "didn't respond with true thanksgiving and praise for he had become proud." (New Living, 2 Chronicles 32:25).

How like Hezekiah are we?  We get comfortable in our spiritual life and when the going gets good we forget where the good, all the good, comes!

I think back to that small group question.  Maybe I need to think about:
Is there anything in the past week that has not come from God?  If so, where did it come and why?  Am I trying to take pride and credit when I should be praising God?
I can't let my pride prevent me from focusing on the truth. I think I have control over my life and my time but I do not.  God has given me the opportunity to use time, which He invented, gave and controls.

Every year at a Thanksgiving event, the group members would each share something they were thankful for in the  past year.  Every year mine is the same.  "I'm just glad to be here." I'm a cancer survivor.  I feel like I winked at  tragedy.  God delivered me and it was all God.  I am sure I could not have done it on my own.

God has given me another new day!  Hallelujah!  He provides.  So today's adventure begins with remembering the Source of this day.

God, Thanks4Giving ________________________________.

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