"Mom can go now?"
The teacher's comment snapped me out of my reverie. It was my son's first day of kindergarten and
I had become lost in thought. I thought
this day was the end of freedom, care free, unstructured days of fun. Now our calendar would be controlled by the
school calendar. I thought my
influence would diminish as teachers
became more a part of his world.
I thought it was an ending.
I read the last chapter in Mark. It was days ago but again I've been lost in my
thoughts, pondering an ending.
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Salome and Mary
the mother of James went and purchased embalming supplies. Early the next morning they headed to the tomb to finish the final care of Jesus'
physical body. They discussed a
obstacle. How were they going to move the huge stone Joseph of Arimethea had
rolled across the entrance?
When they arrived they saw that very heavy stone moved away
from the entrance! Inside the tomb a young
man clothed in white waited for them.
They were startled. "Don't
be so surprised. Aren't you looking for Jesus,
the Nazarene, who was crucified? He isn't here. He has come back to life! Look that's where his body was lying. Now go and give this message to his disciples
including Peter. Jesus is going ahead of
you to Galilee. You will see him there
just as he told you before he
Trembling and bewildered the women left, too afraid to say
anything. The most reliable and oldest manuscripts end the gospel here.
Talk about a surprise ending! These women had thought hope had ended, had
died. The changes in the world hadn't
quite happened as they expected. This
Good News, this really Great News shocked and bewildered them.
Some thought the book shouldn't end on just a note. So verses 16: 9-20 were added to serve as
quick summary of what happened. The
disciples didn't believe Mary Magdalene when she delivered the message that
Jesus was alive. They didn't believe until he showed up at
dinner and rebuked them for lack of faith and stubbornness. Then He gave them instructions to go and preach
to all creation. He promised they would
see amazing proof of belief. Then He was
taken to Heaven and the disciples went and preached everywhere and witnessed
amazing signs.
I've never liked endings, especially unhappy endings. I would have added those verses also. I always want to end positive. If something has to end, I want to be looking
forward to what comes next.
On the first day of kindergarten, I remembered what my
mother said when asked what her favorite age of child rearing. "Whatever age they were at the
time. I loved them all." She knew there were more, perhaps
different, good memories coming. She treasured
the past memories and anticipated the new memories.
The young man in white gave me the "clue" to
handling an ending-- Head toward Galilee!
Why? Jesus is waiting there.
When change comes the form of an ending, go to
G o on
A s before
L ed by God
I n faith
L ong for God's
E xpect God's
E ager to see
God's work.
There really are no endings with God, only more beginnings. Whatever God leads me to, will be my favorite
because, well, Jesus is waiting for me!
A sunset may seem like an ending but it's a promise of a new
day, another beginning.
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