Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Other Side of Failure

"I thought he was with you!"  We were at the Minnesota State Fair.  It was very crowded that day.  We'd gone into one of the exhibition buildings together but gotten separated.  I found Dick just outside the building only to find out our son was not with him, as I had assumed.  Dick thought Adam was with me.  We panicked a bit and wondered what to do first.  Fortunately we were with more experienced parents.  Jack said go to the street crossing and wait. Adam won't cross the street.  So we each went to a crossing and waited. 

Jack was right.  Adam found Dick waiting at the street.  Jack had given us hope in our failure as parents.

After the disciples shared their last meal with Jesus and had gone to the Mount of  Olives, Jesus told them they would all fall away from Him.  He told them that was it was written that the Shepherd would be struck down and the sheep scattered.  But He would be waiting for them in Galilee after He had risen.

Peter declared if all the others fell away he would not.  Jesus replied that before the rooster crowed twice even he would disown Him three times.  Peter emphatically  insisted he would never disown Him even if he had to die.  The others  said the same.

Jesus knew they would fail.  These close friends were hours away from betraying Him not by turning Him in to the religious leaders like Judas, but these friends would hide and leave Him to defend Himself and die alone.  Jesus loved them in spite of the coming failure.   He even gave them hope to handle their remorse--He would rise and be waiting for them in Galilee.

These verses make me think of failure, since I know the next events in the gospel of Mark.  But I also see love and hope.  This was it. Jesus was about to accomplish His earthly mission- to be the one and only sufficient sacrifice so we could be in relationship with God.  The ones He had entrusted with the message and mission would soon fail Him.  He knew it ahead of time and He went forward with His journey of love.

 Most times bad news follows the "but" in a sentence.  But this time Jesus gives the disciples good news.  He knew what they were and what they would do but He would be waiting on the other side of their failure.  He will heal their regret.  He will forgive their betrayal.  He will unconditionally love them.

I can think of plenty of times when I have failed as a person and as a follower of Jesus.  Jesus knew I'd be a failure and still loves me.  He is waiting for me to come to Him.

The next time I fall away and fail Jesus, I will remember that there is Hope.  Jesus is waiting for me to fall back to Him.

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