"In the span of eternity, how important will this
be?" My mother posed this question
often to her teenage daughter demonstrating excessive drama at life's events. She was making me gain perspective and make
When I read through Mark 8:27- 9:1 I thought Jesus was likewise challenging the
disciples to use spiritual perspective to make the right choices.
Jesus asked His disciples who people said He was. The
disciples listed John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets. Then He asked them who they thought He was. Peter answered "You are the
Christ." Jesus warned them not to
tell anyone.
Then He taught them that the Son of Man must suffer and be
rejected by the elders, chief priest and teachers of the law. He must be killed and after 3 days rise
Peter took Him aside and rebuked Him. But Jesus turned, looked at His disciples and
rebuked Peter with "Get behind me Satan!
You do not have in mind the things of God but the things of man!"
Then He called the crowd to join them. He told them that any who would follow Him
must deny their own self and take up their own cross. Whoever would try to save their life, on their
own, would lose it. But if they would
give up their life to Him the gospel would save it. He posed the question, "What good is it
for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"
Jesus was teaching the disciples and the crowd that it was
time to choose. He presented the two
choices, the things of man versus the things of God.
The Great Divide: Spiritual versus physical.
As our world becomes more complicated, cluttered and busy, it's
difficult to choose a side. Too often we
try to have it all, pretending our quest for stuff will somehow be spiritually
Jesus instructs the disciples that the choice of the
spiritual, the things of God, will have eternal rewards. It will cost them in the physical realm but
He reminds them that the stuff of this world will stay in this world.
Too often we try to make choices thinking we can live on
"both sides of the fence." Jesus
fully discloses that choosing the things of God will be costly by the world's
standards. Others will try to shame them. Jesus reminds us that the world is sinful and
The world teaches us to seek the tangible, that which we can
see, touch and possess. Yet it's a
lie. All the tangible stuff of world can
be gone in a blink of an eye. It can be
lost, stolen and destroyed.
Jesus offers us intangibles, love, hope, security,
eternity. No one can steal or destroy
these things of God.
The world purports to offer the real stuff but the world's
stuff is surreal. The world offers us
stuff that is strange and unrealistic.
The things offered by the world are a dreams we chase and never fully
capture. When we think we have achieved,
we experience the let down of "is this all there is?"
The real power is in God's kingdom. The real security is in God's kingdom. The real life is in God's kingdom.
I need to get my perspective on! In the span of eternity,
how I choose to live my life will have eternal consequence! Every day, every moment, choose the things of
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