Monday, March 14, 2016

Crumb Strategy

I have three beggars each with a serious "crumb strategy." 

Whenever Dick eats in the chair in front of the TV, each dog assumes a specific position to gain the optimum amount of crumbs.  Molly, the assertive one, rests her head on his knee keeping as close as possible.  Makena and Mickey patiently sit nearby.  When the plate of crumbs is placed on the floor, Makena, the smallest and oldest, will push in and knock some crumbs off the plates to assure she gets something since Molly is possessive and Mickey is physically bigger.

Jesus has a discussion with a woman about crumbs in Mark 7:24-30.  He entered a house in the vicinity of Tyre hoping to keep His presence secret.  In fact, a Greek woman, born in Syria Phoenica, came to the house and fell at His feet begging Him to deliver her daughter from demon possession.

The two had a curious interchange about children, dogs and crumbs.  Jesus' reply to her request indicated that the children should eat all they want before the food goes to the dogs. (Maybe that meant the Jews should get His attention first since they were His chosen ones.  The foreigners, like her, were "the dogs."  But that is not my point today!)

She countered with   "Yes but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."

Jesus said, "For such a reply, you may go.  The demon has left your daughter."  Wow, Jesus didn't need to see the girl or use mud or spit.  He decided and the demon left. Very cool and only part of my point today.

Today I am impressed that the crumbs are precious.  My pack of dogs think every single drop and crumb are prizes to be to pursued and won.  They each have a plan to gain as many precious crumbs as possible.

I wonder if I think the "crumbs" of God's blessings are precious?  Do I pursue these "crumbs"?

Do I patiently rest my head, like Molly, expectantly waiting for the blessings?

Am I bold and confident, like little Makena, and seize the opportunity of a blessing rather than hoping for non-existent leftovers?

Is my faith big like Mickey who ignores Molly and takes his share?  Do I miss blessings just because I don't try?

I am also impressed that the "crumbs" in these verses were a daughter delivered from demon control.  How good must the food on Jesus' table be if that is considered crumbs?

I don't like to miss out on good things.  At slumber parties, I'm usually the first to succumb to sleep but with the admonition to my friends to wake me if  I'm going to miss something good.  So I'm developing a Crumb Strategy.

Do I ask God boldly?  Am I too proud to ask?  Too embarrassed? Too unconfident?

I see, just like Greek woman, that God's crumbs are precious

C uz He  loves me
R each up to Jesus
U nashamed of who I am and certainly unworthy
M aking plain my request
B oldly approaching Jesus.

(If the dogs licking plates is disconcerting, all dishes go in the dishwasher on the sanitizing cycle and crumbs on our floors are nonexistent.  Three dogs are very efficient floor cleaners.)

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