Tuesday, August 5, 2014

12 and counting

More miscellaneous laws? Not even close! This is a special learning for a special day!

Deuteronomy 24: 10-22 tells the Israelites how to be rich.  They had been slaves and nomads but very soon they would be landowners, powerful and have more wealth than they could imagine. The prosperity to come will also mean responsibility. 

God tells the Israelites to give their debtors dignity, to not go into  their homes to collect the collateral; to pay their laborers every day because the laborers will be counting on it; not to take advantage of foreigners, orphans or widows; to leave some of the harvest available for the poor to glean.  God reminds them to remember that they once were Egyptian slaves. 

God instructs the Israelites to be generous, to be honest and to provide for the powerless.  He also tells them that their attitude for being generous, honest and caring was not to gain God's favor but they were to remember how God blessed and delivered and be thankful.

God reminds them to  be kind to the lost and those who have lost because they once were lost.  God is giving the Israelites examples of how to live out one of my  themes for the Book of Deuteronomy- God does not leave us alone.  He reminds them that once they felt alone but He heard their cries as slaves and delivered them. He will give them opportunities to share their blessings with those in need.

These verses are a lesson in how to act when you are blessed. The key word for me today is Remember. Remember your past.  Remember why you are blessed.  Remember to do as commanded.  Remember you are never alone.  God is always with you.

Today is a special day of remembrance for me. Today I mark 12 years as a cancer survivor. I celebrate the freedom from that disease but more importantly, I celebrate today as the day I really learned that I am never alone.  My family and friends rallied around me 12 years ago and were tangible reminders that God was and is in control of my life.  God loves me and will provide for me.

Today I am planning on partying with cake, pie, friends and maybe flowers.  Yet I want to begin the day remembering that I AM NEVER ALONE- God is always with me.  I hope I have reminded others of this great blessing.

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