God called Adoniram Judson to be a missionary in Burma in
the early 1800s in a time when most believers thought missions was a waste of
time. Many years passed without a single convert. Judson served the Lord his
whole life. He suffered the loss of
wives, children, friends and finance.
Perhaps his time on earth seemed a failure when measured by human
Yet his faith in God and his faithfulness laid the
foundation of missions as we know it today. Thousands have come to know
salvation because of his persistence to share God's love with a few. He has inspired hundreds to duplicate his
call and go to other lands to live and tell of God's great love.
Today I am reminded that the fulfillment of God's plan has
its own time schedule. In Deuteronomy
25: 17-19 God tells the Israelites to remember the evil of the Amalekites, what
they had done to them on the way out of Egypt and that the Amalekites had no
fear of God. The Israelites were to blot
out the memory of the Amalekites. God
told them "Don't forget to forget them!"(That's a Jan Sipe
The evil of the Amalekites began well before the Israelites
who heard these words were even born.
They were a generation removed from the exit from Egypt. The Amalekites attacked the Israelites at
Rephidim early in the journey to the Promised Land. (Exodus 17: 8-16) The
Israelites defeated them but the victory came only when Moses kept his hands
held up. When his arms grew tired Aaron
and Hur helped him sit and they held his arms up. That day they were instructed
to write it down that the memory of the Amalekites would be blotted out! Don't forget to forget them!
Generations later, Samuel told Saul (I Samuel 15) that it
was time to punish the Amalekites for what they had done to the Israelites on
their way out of Egypt. Saul was not to
spare any Amalekite human or animal. He
was to be the one to blot them out. Yet
he let Agag the king of the Amalekites live along with his best livestock. He forgot to forget them and instead forgot
what God said!
In our instant gratification mindset, it seems that
fulfillment takes forever. Yet these
verses remind me that God has a plan with a completely different time
frame. I am reminded that I am to forget
the obstacles along the journey but remember the victory and that the victory
belongs to God. I may enjoy the fruits of the victory but God
is the victor. So my thought of
"Don't forget to forget" means forget the effect of the obstacles,
ignore the scars and don't live as a victim of the bumps along the
journey. Remember the victory, even when
it has been a long time coming or perhaps is still yet to come, and that God is
The Victor. As Adoniram Judson was an
ingredient in the fulfillment of God's plan to reach all people, so I am given
the opportunity to be a part of God's plan.
Yet His timetable will be different from my desired timetable.
When I was a young girl facing life's slights and
disappointments, my mother would ask me a question to keep these obstacles in
perspective. "In the span of
eternity, just how important is this........?" It may not have been the answer my young
heart wanted to hear but the question eventually made me keep a balance to the
power of disappointment.
My elderly Christian brother from Thailand will remind me
that God has a plan and I have a part in
the plan if I so choose to follow God's call.
Adoniram Judson will remind me that I may not see the full fruit of my
service but what I do is part of something much bigger than I could plan or
imagine. My mom will also remind me not to think more of
myself nor life's disappointments. If
God will insure that the Amalekites will get what they deserve, at just the
right time, He is certainly able to
handle the obstacles in my lifetime.
Today I am reminded to trust The Plan, God's plan, and have
patience, the victory is imminent. I
need to forget the obstacles in my journey and
refuse to live under their power.
I will remember that the victory is sure because God is in control, He
is able and He has a plan!
Life's obstacles
present us with a choice- to allow the obstacles to form the path of our
existence or to trust the One True God on the path of abundant life. Don't forget to forget the obstacles. Do remember that God is in control.