Friday, December 6, 2013



"Stay with the group at all times.  No tattoos, piercings or swords."  I remember this as the list from Mom when my fifteen year old son went on an international trip.  I knew the excitement and temptations of independence in a strange land.  So I was very detailed in my cautions and consequences of ill-advised decisions.

Deuteronomy 7:1-6 has a very clear list of cautions and consequences for the Israelites as they enter and live in the Promised Land.  God gives the names of the nations they are to destroy "totally."  He tells them to make no treaty; show no mercy; don't intermarry nor let their children intermarry.  He reminds them He is jealous and will destroy them if they deviate from His instructions.  He is even very specific in how to totally destroy these nations:  break down altars; smash sacred stones; cut down poles and burn idols. 

Why must the Israelites do this?  They are God's chosen people.  They are holy to Him.  He choose them to be His treasured possession.

In my mind, God told them you are chosen and treasured so:

Be thorough;

Protect it;

Act like it.

By completely following God's instructions when first entering the Promised Land and then living the instructions into the future generations, they would act like and be the chosen people.

I wondered what "enemies" I should totally destroyed when I enter and live each day as chosen by God.

When I gave my heart to Jesus and decided to follow  God, the enemy of separation from God eternally was destroyed.  I now had an eternal destination that I knew was really, really good.

I now have meaning and purpose in my life.  There are absolutes of right and wrong that I can understand and live. 

I am never alone.  God is always with me.

At times I may try to use the world to fill these needs but the world has and will fail me.  God doesn't  destroy but the influence of the world will inflict the damage.

Fortunately, and time and again, I return to the gift and assurance that God is The One that provides.  I fraternize with the world, the enemy,  by wasting my time, my witness and opportunities to see God at work.

Today I want to renew my lifestyle to

Be thorough in following God's plan;

to protect my relationship with God and

to act like the treasure that God sees in me.

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