Saturday, September 21, 2013

One I didn't miss!

This morning I read through Deuteronomy 1:5-8.  Moses gives God's instructions to the Israelites.  It was now time to break camp to go and take possession of the land God had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  He gave them the Big Picture-the when, where, why and what. 

This was it!  The fulfillment of a promise that was hundreds of years old! I jotted in my journal:  "Do you think they knew what a great moment this was? Have I diminished or missed a great moment?"

Instead, I remembered a time when I knew a great moment was coming.  A young couple from a very different faith persuasion began to attend our church.  It didn't seem that they knew anyone, no one had invited them but they became regular attenders.

We learned they had experienced a great tragedy and their faith system had not eased their pain.  Their community had been unable to help them find relief of their pain and begin to heal.

Then I realized.  We had been given a great privilege and honor to be Jesus in their hurt, to point them to the only One that could even begin to ease their pain.  This was not a time for an evangelistic project but  an opportunity to gently show God's love, care and soothing touch. 

We included them in the life of the church just so they could watch, listen and eventually share.  We found people, who had experienced similar life tragedies, to connect so they could find common ground.

We had the opportunity to be the balm.  A balm is an medicinal aromatic ointment.  God expects us to be a fragrant aroma, showing his love, to the world around us.  We are not the ones who heal.  God heals and relieves but He gives us the opportunity to be the tool, the balm.

We had the privilege to see them come to know God in a deeper way and hopefully their pain beginning to ease.  I've lost track of them but I continue to pray for the balm in their lives and thank God that He gave me the honor and privilege to be part of his Touch.

So the answer to my question must be:  "I'm sure I have missed many great moments but I paid attention at least once."  Thanks God for giving me the honor of being balm.  I'm glad I didn't miss it.

Be open to hear God

Always Ready to

Love to

Move others toward The One who...

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