Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Am I like my dog?

Here are photos of our cute dog, Makena, front and back.
Makena Front
Makena Back

I smile when Makena runs out the back door and stops at the top step of the porch and surveys her domain.  She has her ears perked, her eyes alert scanning the yard looking for those intruder rabbits and squirrels.  When she sees the invader off she leaps, light on her feet, hopping through the grass, her little puff of a tail bobbing.  She is confident that, this time, she will catch that pesky squirrel or rabbit.  She has Never succeeded to catch a squirrel or a rabbit, yet every time she fully expects to be successful.

Malachi 4:2 talks about how a well-fed calf jumps for joy upon release from the stall.  I'm a city girl so I don't relate to the farm animal reference.  I do think about Makena and her joy and expectation upon her release into the yard.  This jumping for joy in Malachi is the result of those who revere the Lord.

Revere is not a word I use in everyday conversation but maybe it's an attitude I need to start every day.  I had an acronym in my journal that puts this formal word into actions I can apply to my life to have the right attitude.

R ely on God
E xpect God to provide
V ow to be singleminded for God
E ager to obey
R est in God, trust Him
E xcited about God's gifts.

In my life, am I like my dog?
    Do I start each day with my ears perked and eyes alert to God's work around me?
    Do I confidently engage the obstacles of the day with the expectation of God's success?

Revering has benefits,
    like healing,
        victory over the wicked and
            the jumping for joy thing!

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