Wednesday, August 24, 2022

So Incredibly Blessed

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” [Jas 1:12 NLT]


Much of life is not “what if” but “when”.  We worry about too much of “what if” challenges.  More of life is dependable.  As humans we share in common loss-- loss of a loved one, stability of life or a healthy body.


My earthly journey has taught that worrying about “what if” is a waste of time.  Rather I should be prepared for “when” and patiently endure the “when” when it happens.


Earlier this month I celebrated twenty years as a breast cancer survivor.  My mom was one of my mentor’s as the challenge of the Big C became a part of my life experience.  She modeled a positive outlook as she faced the disease the first time.  “Why me?” did not formulate her response.  Instead “Why not me?” was her guiding principle.


During her 16 years as a survivor she taught me to enjoy life.  She adored being a grandmother and gave herself fully to those kids.  She could get them to do anything!  Perhaps her secret was sharing a single piece of chewing gum with them.  I’m hoping it was giving all she thought was right for them, sitting on the floor playing with them, and in their presence making them feel important.


Worry about “What if” is pointless and robs us of valuable time because we all will end this earthly life.  We don’t know the “when” but it’s a guarantee that life on earth is temporary.


I distinctly remember a decision I made a few weeks into my treatment for cancer.  I embraced the fact that “I had cancer.” (That “had” is emphatic past tense.) It was in the past.  I realized that with endless doctor appointments, preventative measures, and tests, wasting a valuable minute on worry was robbing me of joy in the present. 


I am incredibly blessed.  My life is full, full of life, joy and just a little bit of obstacle. Poignant moments of life, like family holidays, holding my grandchild for the first time, meeting another’s need, makes me “just glad to be here.”


Cherish each moment.  Reject worry about “what if”.  Not all “what ifs” happen.  Life is like an athletic endeavor.  Practice prepares us for the race.  Each day presents enough challenge to give us practice for looking the “big ones” in the eye!



I am blessed! My friends wore pink to celebrate!

Saturday, August 6, 2022

It’s about We


“Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, and the rich in his humiliation, because like a flower of the grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits.” [Jas 1:9-11 ESV]


“You’re supposed to be sick, so act like it!”  My mother hollered up the steps.  My brother and I were jumping on his beds.  We were home sick from school with the measles but neither of us had a serious case.


Society expects certain behavior for our station or circumstance.  I was once told that I was not acting like I needed financial assistance.  Hmmm.  Is there a behavior that is appropriate to our lot in life?


I read James 1:9-11 on the hottest day of the year so far. “Prosperity is as short-lived as a wildflower…as soon as the sun rises, pouring down its scorching heat, the flower withers.”  (The Message)  Fortunately, my little pot of wildflowers didn’t read The Message that day because they bloomed like crazy that day.


Rather than complying with expected behavior perhaps we are to rejoice in what God has given us, all of us, in the moment.  It’s not about the separation of groups.  Life is about community. Witness is about “We.”


My granddaughter has a collection of cooperative board games.  My husband and I were raised in the competitive gaming model.  We didn’t enjoy these games until we read the instructions well.  The goal of the game was to get the chickens into the safety of the coop before all the sun cards were played.  This meant the three players, two old competitors and a future world changer, discussed the strategy for each of us to play to get those chicks in the nest before sundown.


Perhaps this game should be a model for Life.  We should cheer for everyone who makes a difference in the world, regardless of how small.


The game of Life is about We.  We all succeed or really there is no success.  Success as the world defines it, prosperity, is fleeting.  Heat, cold, evil can end the prosperity.  God’s plans are eternal and for all.


How does that thought lead us to behave?  Our circumstance should not dictate our response or behavior.  Rather, our trust in God’s control and care.  Our wildflowers are survivors amidst the record breaking heat because occasional rain has blessed them and the caretaker, me, has a dependable schedule for watering.


In spite of the scorching environment, bloom where planted, we, like the wildflowers, need to stick together.  I think the wildflowers flourished under the excessive heat because they would not alone! Together we rejoice in God, His provision, His love, His faithfulness.